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  1. Für Martinuzzi brachte dies den Metropolitansitz von Esztergom sowie den Kardinalstitel ein. Die Bischofsweihe hatte er bereits 1548 durch Franciscus Josephich, den Bischof von Senj, empfangen. Die Ermordung des Kardinals George Martinuzzi, von Gefolgsleuten des kaiserlichen Generals Castaldo, am 16. Dezember 1551. Am 12.

  2. Gheorghe Martinuzzi Utyeszenics (1482–1551), cunoscut sub numele de „Fratele György”, a fost episcop de Oradea, primat de Ungaria, cardinal, înalt tezaurar, judecător suprem, comandant militar, locotenent regal în Ungaria și voievod al Transilvaniei.

  3. Monk, bishop, cardinal, b. at Kamicac, Dalmatia, 1482; d. 16 December, 1551. His real name was George Utjesenovic. His mother, a native of Venice of the name of Martinuzzi, had a brother who was a bishop, and, out of regard for his mother and uncle, George preferred to be called ...

  4. George Martinuzzi. From the Catholic Encyclopedia. Monk, bishop, cardinal, b. at Kamicac, Dalmatia, 1482; d. 16 December, 1551. His real name was George Utjesenovic. His mother, a native of Venice of the name of Martinuzzi, had a brother who was a bishop, and, out of regard for his mother and uncle, George preferred to be called Martinuzzi (Latin Martinuzius).

  5. 21 de nov. de 2020 · GHEORGHE MARTINUZZI "După cum povestește el însuși în scrisoarea adresată lui Verancsics, la vârsta de 8 ani, Gheorghe Martinuzzi a ajuns la curtea lui Ioan Corvin, fiul regelui Matia de Hunedoara,...

  6. George Martinuzzi was a Croatian nobleman, monk and Hungarian statesman who supported King John Zápolya and his son, King John Sigismund Zápolya. Background George Martinuzzi was born in 1482, in Kamičac, a castle in the vicinity of Šibenik (today Skradin, Croatia), the son of Gregory Utiešenović, a Croatian gentleman.

  7. 216 The Life and Work of the Abbot and Nuncio, Girolamo Martinengo in Hungary not undermined by this event, but rather by the murder of George Martinuzzi.34 The Murder of George Martinuzzi and the Inquiry of the Holy See On the stormy night of the 16th Décémbér 1551, thé soldiérs of Férdinand I’s commanders, governor general Marquis Giovanni Battista Castaldo and his deputy, Sforza ...