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  1. William Warham (né vers 1450 dans le Hampshire, mort le 22 août 1532 ), archevêque de Cantorbéry et Lord chancelier d’ Angleterre, est un diplomate et homme politique anglais de premier plan sous les règnes de Henri VII et Henri VIII. Il s’oppose en vain à la mainmise d'Henri VIII sur l’Église d’Angleterre.

  2. Archbishop of Canterbury, born at Church Oakley, Hampshire, about 1450; died at Hackington, near Canterbury, 22 August, 1532. He was educated at Winchester School and New College, Oxford, of which he became a fellow in 1475. Having taken his doctorate of laws he left Oxford in 1488, to become an advocate in the ecclesiastical courts in London ...

  3. William Warham. 22 de agosto de 1532 jul. William Warham (c. 1450 - 22 de agosto de 1532) fue un abogado, clérigo y diplomático inglés, Guardián del Sello Real y Lord Canciller del Reino entre 1502 y 1515, obispo de Londres por un corto tiempo y luego arzobispo de Canterbury desde 1503 hasta su muerte.

  4. William Warham (* 1450; † 22. August 1532 in Hackington) war von 1503 bis zu seinem Tode Erzbischof von Canterbury . Er entstammt einer Familie aus Malshanger in Hampshire. Warham besuchte die Lateinschule in Winchester und studierte danach Theologie am New College in Oxford. Nach Erwerb seines Doktorgrades hielt er theologische Vorlesungen ...

  5. It was presented in 1925 by Harold Arthur, 17th Viscount Dillon in memory of Julia, Viscountess Dillon. Warham was one of the first of Holbein’s English sitters to be drawn and painted soon after the artist arrived in England in 1527. The original drawing for the portrait is in the Royal Collection at Windsor.

  6. A portrait drawing of William Warham (c.1450-1532), Archbishop of Canterbury. He is shown bust length facing three-quarters to the left, wearing a hat and fur collar. The drawing is entirely in black and coloured chalks. This is a study for the painting in the Louvre. An eighteenth-century inscription (a copy of a sixteenth-century original) at top left identifies the sitter as Waramus Arch BP ...

  7. William Warham is the Archbishop of Canterbury (and thus, head of the Church of England until declaring King Henry VIII Supreme Head of the Church) during Season One and part of Season Two of The Tudors. A friend of Bishop of Rochester John Fisher, Warham is depicted as a moderate who truly wishes to remove the corruption of the Church and ...