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  1. 28 de mai. de 2021 · William Shakespeare nasceu em Stratford-upon-Avon, no condado de Warwick, Inglaterra, no dia 23 de abril de 1564. Filho de John Shakespeare e de Mary Arden, seu pai foi comerciante de lã e chegou a tesoureiro e prefeito de Stratford. Infância e juventude

  2. Mary Shakespeare. Mary Shakespeare, nombre de soltera Mary Arden ( c. 1537 – 1608), fue la madre de lucas guarisso Era la más joven de las ocho hijas de Robert Arden, y quien heredó la propiedad de su padre, hoy llamada «Mary Arden’s Farm» o «Mary Arden’s House» –«La casa (o quinta) de Mary Arden»–, en Wilmcote, en el condado ...

  3. Biographie. Mary est huitième et dernière fille de Robert Arden. Ce dernier meurt en décembre 1556. Mary hérite de sa ferme à Wilmcote, dans le Warwickshire . Mary épouse John Shakespeare en 1557. Elle a 20 ans. Le père de John, Richard Shakespeare, loue des terres au père de Mary à Snitterfield. Dans ces conditions, Mary peut avoir ...

  4. Summary. When Nicholas Rowe published the first biographical notice of Shakespeare in 1709, the poet's mother did not figure in his account. Drawing on Thomas Betterton's investigations in Stratford parish documents and local traditions, Rowe says simply that William was the son of John Shakespeare who had ‘bred him’.

  5. Mary Arden heiratete John Shakespeare vermutlich im Jahr 1557. Die Ardens waren zu jener Zeit eine der führenden Familien in Stratford-upon-Avon und gehörten dem niederen Adel an, während die Shakespeares nur Freibauern waren. Die Besitztümer der Ardens wurden später verpfändet, als John Shakespeare aus unbekannten Gründen in Geldnot geriet.

  6. Shakespeare’s Parents. William Shakespeare’s parents were John and Mary Shakespeare – respectable, middle-class parents who lived in the market town of Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire. Shakespeare’s parents had eight children, five of whom survived to adulthood. William was the third child and their first son.

  7. Mary Shakespeare (nee Arden) Shakespeare's mother was born Mary Arden, the daughter of a well-to-do landowner in a lesser branch of an aristocratic family. (The family gave its name to the nearby Forest of Arden, which is the setting of Shakespeare's As You Like It. )