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  1. Gennady Ivanovich Yanayev, Soviet official and politician: born Perevoz, Russia 26 August 1937; Vice-President of the Soviet Union December 1990-August 1991, President 19-21 August 1991; death ...

  2. The coup leaders consisted of top military and civilian officials, including Vice President Gennady Yanayev, who together formed the State Committee on the State of Emergency (GKChP). They opposed Gorbachev's reform program , were angry at the loss of control over Eastern European states and fearful of the New Union Treaty , which was on the verge of being signed by the Soviet Union (USSR).

  3. YANAYEV, GENNADY IVANOVICH. (b. 1937), USSR vice president, coup plotter. Gennady Yanayev graduated from Gorky Agricultural Institute in 1959 and earned a history degree from the All-Union Law Institute in 1967. Before joining the Party in 1962, Yanayev worked in the agro-industry sector. After securing Party membership, he soon began working ...

  4. Gennady Ivanovich Yanayev (1937–2010) là một nhà chính trị Nga. Ông là người đứng đầu cuộc đảo chính Liên Xô năm 1991. Ông đã qua đời vào tháng 9 năm 2010 ở tuổi 73. Ông là một chính trị gia Liên Xô và chính khách Nga có sự nghiệp kéo dài qua các đời lãnh đạo Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov và Chernenko, và sự nghiệp ...

  5. 24 de set. de 2010 · Morreu Gennady Yanayev, o comunista linha-dura que se declarou presidente da União das Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas (URSS) durante a tentativa de golpe de 1991 --a qual acelerou a ...

  6. 24 de set. de 2010 · Former Soviet Vice-President Gennady Yanayev, who led an abortive coup against Mikhail Gorbachev in 1991, has died in a Moscow hospital aged 73. Russia's Communist Party said he had died on Friday ...