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  1. Jeanne A. Ojala , Professor Emerita, Department of History, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Singer, Winnaretta (1865–1943)American-born artist, musician, and patron of the arts who established the Fondation Singer-Polignac. Name variations: Princess Edmond de Polignac; Princesse de Polignac; Princess Winnie; Princess de Scey ...

  2. Winnaretta and Edmond were introduced to Proust in 1894 in Paris, by Count Robert de Montesquiou-Fezensac.Proust soon became a regular guest, along with his friend Reynaldo Hahn, at the Polignac salon in Paris, where he heard many of the great composers and performers of the day including Charles-Marie Widor, Eugène Gigout, Louis Vierne, Alexandre Guilmant and Gabriel Fauré.

  3. In the event, Winnaretta accepted the dedication and became one of the most passionate supporters or Ravel’s music. The Pavane sounded in various concerts organized by Winnaretta, and it was also performed at Edmond de Polignac’s funeral in 1901. Maurice Ravel: Pavane pour une infante défunte, (Maurice Ravel, piano)

  4. 8 de jan. de 2015 · Die Prinzessin Winnaretta Singer-Polignac ragte unter den vielen Mäzeninnen im Paris der Jahrhundertwende hervor. In ihren Salon kam alles, was Rang und Namen hatte: Marcel Proust, Jean Cocteau ...

  5. 12 de out. de 2018 · La biographie de la richissime Winaretta Singer (1865-1943), devenue Princesse Edmond de Polignac, est une somme impressionnante consacrée à une figure essentielle de l'élite musicale parisienne – et par là européenne – de la première moitié du XXe siècle. Sylvia Kahan dresse un portrait sans concession d'un monde à la fois disparu ...

  6. 15 de jul. de 2009 · The American-born Winnaretta Singer (1865-1943) was a millionaire at the age of eighteen, due to her inheriting a substantial part of the Singer Sewing Machine fortune. Her 1893 marriage to Prince Edmond de Polignac, an amateur composer, brought her into contact with the most elite strata of French society.

    • Sylvia Kahan
  7. Publié dans Winnaretta Singer-Polignac. Winnaretta Eugénie Singer naquit à Yonker (New York), le 8 janvier 1865. Son père était Isaac Merritt Singer, l’industriel américain qui perfectionna la machine à coudre. Il épousa une très jeune Française, Isabelle Eugénie Boyer.