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  1. Harrow School in the UK, is one of the world’s most respected private educational institutions. Founded in 1572 under a Royal Charter granted by Queen Elizabeth I, it has a well-deserved reputation for academic excellence, the ‘House System’ and outstanding holistic education. Amongst the school’s alumni are some of the most influential ...

  2. 哈罗国际学校 . 哈罗国际学校深耕亚洲已逾20年,致力为1.5岁至18岁学生提供全日制及寄宿制高端英式教育。. 不同年龄段、来自不同国家的学生,共同构筑了哈罗国际学校多元化的学习环境。. 而无论学生的年龄与国籍如何,哈罗的四大价值理念——勇气、荣誉 ...

  3. AISL Harrow哈罗学校以英国哈罗公学450年的优良传统为准则,并以哈罗百年传承的四大价值理念作为每一所成员学校的教育核心,哈罗教育先后于曼谷、北京、香港、上海、深圳和海口创立哈罗英式双语国际学校,已于亚洲深耕超过20年,为此地区K-12世界级国际教育的先行者。

  4. A school that values courage, honour, humility and fellowship is a school at its best: one deserving of the name ‘Harrow’ and one to which we aspire. Alastair Land, Head Master, attended Manchester Grammar School where he was School Vice-Captain. He first got to understand the positive power of boarding in his gap year teaching at ...

  5. › admissions › admissions-homeAdmissions - Harrow School

    Each year, the School admits around 160 boys into Year 9, in the September following their 13th birthday, and up to 20 boys, normally aged 16, into Year 12 (Sixth Form). In line with our Admissions Policy, which is referenced in our terms and conditions, we welcome applications from boys who: have a good behavioural record and the potential to ...

  6. La Harrow School è una scuola privata maschile situata ad Harrow, quartiere nel nord-ovest di Londra, capitale del Regno Unito. La scuola ha anche una sezione pubblica che è attiva come collegio scolastico . La scuola è stata fondata attorno al 1243, ma la concezione e funzionalità attuale è stata formalmente istituita con una patente ...

  7. › admissions › fees-and-depositsFees and Deposits - Harrow School

    Fees for 2023/24. Termly fees are £16,850 and include board, tuition, textbooks, a stationery allowance and laundry, and are paid in advance by the first day of term. For any subject requiring additional tuition, there is an extra charge. We offer a Fees in Advance Scheme which may be of interest to parents wishing to pay a lump sum.