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  1. Iako nakon abdikacije Petra II. po međunarodnome pravu Karađorđevići više nemaju pravo na prijestolje, od trenutka početka raspada Jugoslavije 1991. godine Aleksandar Karađorđević pokušava se izboriti za, najprije u nekadašnjoj državi, a potom barem u Srbiji, uspostavljanje ustavne monarhije na čijem bi on bio čelu.

  2. Alexandre I da Iugoslávia, rei dos Sérvios, Croatas e Eslovenos (1921-1929) e da Iugoslávia (1929-1934) Pedro II da Iugoslávia , rei da Iugoslávia (1934-1945), chefe da Casa Real (1945-1970) Alexandre II Karadjordjevitch , príncipe da Iugoslávia, chefe da Casa Real (1970-)

  3. Srdjan Ilic / AP. Exile suited Karadjordjevic, whose father, King Peter II, fled the country after the Nazis invaded in 1941. A British soldier turned businessman (and godson of Britain's Queen Elizabeth), the would-be monarch hopscotched the globe before returning to his Belgrade palace in 2001 and lobbying for the crown.

  4. Alexandre II Karadjordjevitch – chefe da Casa de Karađorđević da Sérvia; Papa Alexandre – cognome de vários papas, como Santo Alexandre;

  5. Aleksander Karadžordževič je bil mlajši sin kralja Petra I. Karadžordževiča in črnogorske kneginje Zorke, rojen je bil na Cetinju.Srbski prestolonaslednik je postal leta 1909, ko je zaradi spora in fizičnega obračuna s slugo (ta je zatem umrl) od nasledstva odstopil njegov starejši brat Džordže.

  6. Alexander was born at White Lodge, Richmond Park, United Kingdom.As a nephew of Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent (née of Greece and Denmark), he was a first cousin of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, Prince Michael of Kent, and Princess Alexandra of Kent; he was also a first cousin once removed of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

  7. Alexander was the prince of Serbia from 1842 to 1858. The third son of Karadjordje (Karageorge, or Karaðorðe), who had led the movement to win Serb autonomy from the Ottoman Turks (1804–13), Alexander lived in exile until 1842, when the Skupština (Serb parliament) elected him prince of Serbia.