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  1. Há 3 dias · 1824 wurde Louise Lehzen, eine deutsche Pfarrerstochter und nachmalige Baronin, Gouvernante der fünfjährigen Prinzessin; sie war fortan für deren Erziehung verantwortlich. Lehzen wurde für die Heranwachsende zur entscheidenden Bezugsperson, insbesondere da das Verhältnis zwischen Victoria und ihrer Mutter zunehmend angespannt war.

  2. 10 de mai. de 2024 · “I pity you, Louise,” the queen said likewise in German, as much as for the children's benefit as her mother's, “that you cannot find it within your heart to extend Christian love and kindness to those who need it most – and these children, I very much consider my own.” “And I quite pity that you are a wife whose home is only filled with her husband’s bastards – that is not the ...

  3. 6 de mai. de 2024 · Hello, moi c’est Louise, ancienne styliste d’une maison de luxe reconvertie dans la mode éthique et engagée 🌷. En tant que styliste freelance, je t’aide à créer ta marque de vêtement du début avec ma formation “Modulab” puis à créer ta 1ère collection de vêtement avec mon accompagnement “Main dans la mode”.

  4. 20 de mai. de 2024 · The double doors swung wide and in a swirl of 1850s dark brown calico skirts and black velvet edging, Louise Lehzen marched into the room. Stopping once on the edge of the persian carpet, the governess curtsied to her charge, and then sat herself neatly in the wing-backed chair opposite Cecily.

  5. 11 de mai. de 2024 · Prințesa Sofia Matilda a Regatului Unit s-a născut pe 3 noiembrie 1777, la Palatul Buckingham din Londra și a fost al doisprezecelea copil și cea de-a cincea fiică a regelui George al III-lea și a reginei Charlotte de Mecklenburg-Strelitz. La scurt timp după venirea ei pe lume, suveranul Angliei a cerut Parlamentului să aprobe o lege prin care toți copiii regali să primească o ...

  6. 18 de mai. de 2024 · Persoonlijke update – Terug van weggeweest. november 10, 2023. Hoi allemaal, ja je ziet het goed, Louise is weer terug van weggeweest. Na maanden van afwezigheid is er nu eindelijk weer wat leven op Tealicious by Louise. Omdat er toch het een en ander verandert is in mijn leven de afgelopen maanden, is het nu tijd voor een kleine update.

  7. Há 4 dias · Hurt/Comfort. Edmund Blackadder, clever butler to the prince, resents and envies brilliant young composer Wolfgang Mozart. Still, each time Wolfie visits London to perform at the palace, Edmund finds himself anxious to see him. A story spanning over two decades, beginning in childhood, with one chapter for each visit.