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  1. Maria Feodorovna tinha vivido na Rússia durante 17 anos antes de subir ao trono, enquanto que Alexandra tinha passado pouco mais de um mês no país antes de se casar. A tia da czarina, Vitória , disse numa carta à rainha Vitória que Alice é muito autoritária e insiste em ter tudo feito à maneira dela.

  2. Half-length photograph of Maria Feodorovna, Empress of Russia. She is sitting on a chair, her head turned slightly to the right and her hands clasped together. She is wearing a jacket with a lace trim and bows at the neck and waist.Maria Feodorovna, born Princess Dagmar of Denmark, was the consort of Alexander III, Emperor of Russia.

  3. Alix của Hessen và Rhein (tiếng Đức: Alix von Hessen und bei Rhein; tiếng Anh: Alix of Hesse and by Rhine; 6 tháng 6 năm 1872 – 17 tháng 7 năm 1918), còn được gọi với cái tên Nga là Aleksandra Fyodorovna (tiếng Nga: Александра Фёдоровна) sau khi cải đạo sang Chính thống giáo Nga, là Hoàng hậu Đế quốc Nga thông qua hôn nhân ...

  4. Isabel Feodorovna Por Friedrich August von Kaulbach. Em 1891, Isabel e Sérgio Alexandrovich que não tinham filhos, praticamente adoptaram os seus sobrinhos Maria e Dmitri Pavlovich, filhos do irmão de Sérgio, Paulo Alexandrovich. A mãe das crianças tinha caído quando tentava saltar para um barco em andamento e estava grávida de Dmitri.

  5. Photograph of a full length portrait of Princess Dagmar, later Maria Feodorovna, Empress of Russia (1847-1928) standing and facing the viewer. She wears a hat trimmed with feathers and rests her right arm on a balustrade.

  6. The miniature is based on a photograph taken by Downey probably during Maria Feodorovnas visit to Britain in 1907. She is wearing a black evening dress with a sapphire and pearl brooch, a floral corsage and a four-strand pearl choker, her hair dressed with pearls and feathers.Princess Marie Sophie Frederica Dagmar, second daughter of Christian IX of Denmark, and sister of Queen Alexandra, was ...

  7. The Empress Maria Feodorovna Fund. The future Empress of Russia was born in Copenhagen in September 1847 and was named Sophia-Frederica Dagmar, by her parents, the King and Queen of Denmark. Her childhood was a simple and happy one and she grew into a charming young girl whom, by common consent, the Russian and Danish sovereigns intended for ...