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  1. Gertrud Scholtz-Klink (9 February 1902 – 24 March 1999) was a member of the Nazi Party and leader of the National Socialist Women’s League (Nationalsozialistische Frauenschaft). Klink joined the Nazi Party in 1929 and was promoted to the head of the National Socialist Women’s League in 1933.

  2. In 1934, Gertrud Scholtz-Klink (1902-1999) (center, in white dress) took over the leadership of all National Socialist women’s organizations. These included the National Socialist Women’s League [ NS-Frauenschaft or NSF] of the NSDAP, the German Women’s Enterprise [ Deutsches Frauenwerk or DFW], an umbrella organization for women's associations, and the women’s office of the German ...

  3. Gettysburg College Institutional Repository

  4. Gertrud Scholtz-Klink nació en Adelsheim actual Baden, después de graduarse de la escuela, trabaja como profesora y periodista. En 1920, se casa con el profesor, un colega en la docencia y más tarde Offenburg Secretario de Distrito del Partido Nacional Socialista Obrero Alemán ( NSDAP ) Friedrich Klink .

  5. Gertrud Scholtz-Klink (sünninimi Gertrud Emma Treusch; 9. veebruar 1902 Adelsheim – 24. märts 1999 Tübingen) oli Saksa riigitegelane. Gertrud Treusch oli pärit ametniku perekonnast. 1921 . aastal abiellus ta endise ohvitseri ja õpetaja Eugen Klinkiga.

  6. Scholtz-Klink, Gertrud (1902—)German who became Frauenführerin (female führer) of both the National Socialist Women's Union and of German women in general during the Third Reich, but wielded no power.

  7. Sitters back to top. Gertrud Scholtz-Klink (1902-1999), Leader of the National Socialist Women's League, Germany. Sitter in 1 portrait. Identify (Ann) Prunella Stack (Mrs Brian St Quentin Power) (1914-2010), Head of the Women’s League of Health and Beauty; former wife of Lord David Douglas-Hamilton and of Alistair Albers, and later wife of Brian St Quentin Power.