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  1. Arabella a fost fiica lui Sir Winston Churchill, un strămoș viitorului prim-ministru cu același nume, și a Elisabetei Drake.A fost sora primului Duce de Marlborough; ceilalți frați ai ei au fost George, ofițer în marina regală, și Charles Churchill, general britanic.

  2. Arabella Churchill (ur. 23 lutego 1648 , zm. 30 maja 1730 ) – angielska szlachcianka, kochanka Jakuba II , króla Anglii , Szkocji i Irlandii , oraz matka czwórki jego dzieci (noszących nazwisko FitzJames Stuart, które znaczyło w staroangielskim „syn Jakuba Stuarta”).

  3. Sir Winston, his only son Randolph, and grandson Winston. Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom between 10 May 1940 – 26 July 1945 and 26 October 1951 – 6 April 1955, was the eldest son of Lord and Lady Randolph Churchill, the grandson of the 7th Duke of Marlborough, and the 6th great grandson of Robert Coe, the American colonist.

  4. 8 de jul. de 1990 · Arabella Churchill McLeod, the child of his second marriage, lives in western England and directs “Children’s World,” a theater project for handicapped children.

  5. Churchill foi um escritor prolífico, tendo publicado sob o nome literário de Winston S. Churchill; recebeu o Prêmio Nobel da Literatura em 1953 pelos seus inúmeros trabalhos publicados, especialmente a sua obra de seis volumes The Second World War (A Segunda Guerra Mundial).

  6. Arabella Churchill (1949-2007), Festival and charity founder; daughter of Randolph Churchill and June Osborne. Sitter in 3 portraits

  7. Arabella Godfrey (née Churchill) by Ignatius Joseph van den Berghe, published by Edward Harding stipple engraving, published 1 May 1799 NPG D20410