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  1. 10 de nov. de 2011 · This classification of Blastocystis into several species on the basis of molecular data may explain the variations in symptoms and the response to treatment reported in Blastocystis infections. Humans can have zoonotic infections due to Blastocystis that are found in primates, pigs, cattle, and birds, as well as infection with the Blastocystis subtype 3 isolate, which is found only in humans ...

  2. Blastocystis in humans was once identified as a single species, Blastocystis hominis. Researchers have found several variations — either different species or different strains within a species. The scientific name used now is Blastocystis spp, an abbreviation that means "multiple species." A blastocystis infection is called blastocystosis.

  3. 28 de abr. de 2021 · Blastocystis hominis is an enteroprotozoan distributed worldwide. In developed countries the prevalence is estimated at between 10 - 15% while in developing countries it is around 30 - 50% [ 1 ]. A small subset of cases progress into a self-limited “pathogenic” course known as "Blastocystosis or Zierdt-Garavelli Disease".

  4. 3 de nov. de 2021 · There are as many as 17 Blastocystis subtypes and they are all genetically diverse [ 1 ]. It can infect humans’ intestines through contaminated food and water. It has been found in the stools of people with diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain [ 2 ]. However, Blastocystis hominis has also been found in healthy people who have no symptoms ...

  5. 21 de jun. de 2024 · Les symptômes associés à Blastocystis hominis peuvent varier d’une personne à l’autre. Certaines personnes infectées peuvent ne présenter aucun symptôme, tandis que d’autres peuvent présenter des signes tels que des troubles gastro-intestinaux, des douleurs abdominales, des diarrhées, des nausées et une fatigue générale.

  6. 22 de mar. de 2023 · Zarażenie Blastocystis hominis często przebiega bezobjawowo (jest to nosicielstwo). Jeśli blastocytoza wywołuje objawy, to występują dwie postaci choroby: łagodna – najczęstsza, objawia się biegunką (bez krwi w stolcu), bólem brzucha, nudnościami, utratą masy ciała, czasami wysypką mającą postać drobnych plamek (osutką)

  7. 10 de mai. de 2019 · Blastocystis Hominis Treatment. If a person has blastocystis hominis but no symptoms, no treatment is necessary. A person with mild symptoms may not need treatment as the symptoms may clear up on their own. If necessary, antibiotics, combination medications, and antiprotozoal medications can help treat this parasitic infection.