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  1. Sariputra (également orthographié Sariputta ou Shariputra) était l'un des principaux disciples du Bouddha historique. Selon la tradition Theravada, Sariputra réalisa l'illumination et devint arhat alors qu'il était encore jeune. Il a été dit qu'il était le deuxième après Bouddha dans sa capacité à enseigner.

  2. La vida de Sariputra. Sariputra (también deletreado Sariputta o Shariputra) fue uno de los principales discípulos del Buda histórico. Según la tradición Theravada, Sariputra se dio cuenta de la iluminación y se convirtió en un arhat cuando aún era un hombre joven. Se decía que solo era superado por el Buda en su habilidad para enseñar.

  3. 14 de fev. de 2021 · Shariputra was one of the most important of Buddha's disciples. He was originally a disciple of Sanjaya and may have been influential in the development of early Buddhist skepticism. Several of his discourses are philosophically important. Source: Buddhist Door: Glossary Sariputra in Sanskrit, Sariputta in Pali.

  4. The Heart Sutra. 03:48. These words have I heard. At one time, the Vanquishing Master Surpassing All was dwelling at Vulture Peak Mountain, by the Royal City of Rajagriha, together with a great assembly of the monastic sangha and a great assembly of the bodhisattva sangha. At that time, the Vanquishing Master Surpassing All was totally absorbed ...

  5. O mantra da perfeição da sabedoria é proclamado: TADYATHA [OM] GATE GATE PARAGATE PARASAMGATE BODHI SVAHA. “Shariputra, é assim que o bodhisattva mahasattva deve treinar-se na profunda perfeição da sabedoria.”. Então, o Bhagavan surgiu do estado de concentração e louvou o bodhisattva mahasattva arya Avalokiteshvara dizendo ...

  6. Sariputta. Sāriputta (Pāḷi, wörtlich „Sohn der Sāri“, Sanskrit „Śāriputra“) war einer der beiden Hauptschüler Buddhas. Shariputta gilt in der buddhistischen Tradition als „Rechte Hand“ Buddhas und wurde von ihm als der weisheitsmächtigste seiner männlichen Schüler genannt, während Mahamoggallana der männliche Schüler ...

  7. The Venerable Sariputta died on the full moon of the month Kattika, which begins in October and ends in November of the solar calendar. The death of Maha Moggallana followed a half-month later, on the Uposatha of the New Moon. Half a year later, according to tradition, came the Parinibbana of the Buddha himself.