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  1. Artists, writers, and revolutionaries cross paths with Fuller in the salons of Boston, Paris and Rome. Meets a tragic end after sacrificing everything for the democratic idealism of the Italian revolution and a scandalous love affair. At the time of her death is the most famous woman of the 19th Century and a trans-Atlantic celebrity.

  2. Margaret Fuller. Margaret Fuller ( Cambridge, Massachusetts, 23 de maig de 1810 − Fire Island, Estat de Nova York, 19 de juny de 1850) va ser una filòsofa, periodista estatunidenca i activista pels drets de les dones. A més, va ser una influent unitarista activa en la lluita per la igualtat educativa entre homes i dones.

  3. Margaret Fuller. Sarah Margaret Fuller, nada en Cambridge o 23 de maio de 1810 [ 1] e finada preto de Fire Island o 19 de xullo de 1850, [ 2] foi unha xornalista estadounidense e activista polos dereitos da muller. Foi ademais unha influente unitarista .

  4. 18 de fev. de 2024 · Richard Marranca interviews Dr. Matteson about Margaret Fuller, one of her era's most brilliant and versatile intellectuals. Pulitzer Prize winner Dr. John T. Matteson* discusses his significant contributions to the study of Margaret Fuller — an influential feminist, educator, and foreign correspondent—with Richard Marranca.

  5. Margaret Fuller, una de las primeras feministas y escritoras destacadas del siglo XIX, dejó una profunda huella en la historia de la literatura y los movimientos de derechos de las mujeres. Nacida el 23 de mayo de 1810 en Cambridgeport, Massachusetts, Fuller mostró desde joven una curiosidad intelectual excepcional y una pasión por la escritura.

  6. Margaret Fuller was one of the most influential and innovative people of the 19th century. She was the first American to write a book on women's equality, and the first woman to be allowed access to Harvard’s Library. She was the first woman journalist at the New York Tribune and the first full-time book reviewer in journalism.

  7. 9 de dez. de 2020 · Margaret Fuller (born Sarah Margaret Fuller; later Margaret Fuller Ossoli; 1810 – 1850) was a well-known figure in her lifetime as a women’s rights advocate, abolitionist, editor, and journalist. For a time, she was considered the best-read person in New England and became the first woman to gain access to Harvard’s library.