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  1. Jacopo Robusti, dit Tintoretto, en français le Tintoret (né probablement en septembre-octobre 1518 ou en 1519 à Venise, alors capitale de la République de Venise, où il est mort le 31 mai 1594), est un peintre vénitien de la Renaissance italienne, que l’on associe au mouvement artistique du maniérisme de l’école vénitienne, qu'il a également influencé de manière significative.

  2. 28 de out. de 2011 · commentaire : Marietta Robusti, dite la Tintoretta (1554 - 1590), était un des sept enfants du Tintoret. Dotée de dons artistiques exceptionnels, elle fut prise en main par son père. Elle travailla toute sa vie dans son atelier, excellant notamment dans des portraits qui lui valurent une grande réputation à Venise.

  3. 29 de mai. de 2017 · Sono poche le notizie pervenuteci su Marietta Robusti, la figlia primogenita di Jacopo Robusti, detto il Tintoretto, nata tra il 1553 ed il 1560 da una relazione extraconiugale del pittore e da questi molto amata. Ne parla Carlo Ridolfi, nella sua opera dedicata alla "Vita di Giacopo Robusti detto il TIntoretto", pubblicata nel

  4. Tintoretto sa v roku 1550 oženil s Faustínou de' Vescovi, dcérou dekana benátskej Školy svätého Marka. Celkovo sa im narodilo sedem deti – dcéry Marietta, Perina, Ottavia, Lanza a Altura a synovia Domenico a Marco.

  5. 21 de nov. de 2022 · Tintoretto wanted to do it all. And Tintoretto also sought to teach all of this to his eldest child, Marietta. Born around 1560--although some historians think she may have been born in 1555--Marietta was the eldest of Tintoretto’s eight children and appears to have been born out of wedlock, with her mother unknown to historians today.

  6. Double-portrait, here tentatively identified as a self-portrait withjacopo Strada by Marietta Tintoretto. 1567-68. Canvas, 99.5 by 121 cm. (Gemäldegalerie, Dresden). would have been aware of the example of Sofonisba Anguissola whose skills as a painter and musician had led to an appointment at Philip II's court in 1559.

  7. 1 de out. de 2012 · Marietta Leis is reframing the life of Marietta Robusti Tintoretto, who died 400 years ago. She does this literally by making ornate gold frames an integral part of the work; and she does it figuratively, creating a series of metaphors for today’s women artists. Leis weaves invisible references to her own life with more visible references to ...