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  1. 劍橋領思 (Linguaskill) 是一項十分快速方便的線上測驗,可協助高等教育機構和雇主檢測個人或團體考生的英語程度。. 此測試採用最新科技技術,同時具備劍橋為世界公認的可靠性和品質。. 進一步瞭解. 迅速且免費的線上英語能力測驗。. 此線上測驗將讓您了解 ...

  2. Our English-teaching qualifications, professional development materials, and teaching resources are based on in-depth research. With our unrivalled depth of experience in national education systems, international education and English language learning, we are trusted by governments, schools and teachers around the world to improve learning outcomes for students.

  3. A2 Key, formerly known as Cambridge English: Key (KET), is one of our Cambridge English Qualifications. This basic-level qualification is a great exam to take if you're new to learning English. An A2 Key qualification is proof of your ability to use English to communicate in simple situations. The exam tests all four English language skills ...

  4. › latinamericaCambridge English

    Las certificaciones de Cambridge English son exámenes diseñados al detalle para aprender inglés de una forma efectiva, gratificante y entretenida. Nuestro enfoque diferenciador consiste en fomentar la mejora continua, siguiendo un proceso claro para mejorar las habilidades lingüísticas en inglés. Ofrecemos certificados para escuelas ...

  5. Basta selecionar o tipo de pontuação que deseja converter, inserir o valor e a ferramenta mostrará a nota equivalente na Cambridge English Scale. A ferramenta poderá ser usada para converter notas na Cambridge English Scale de forma inversa para as apresentadas nos níveis CEFR, faixa IELTS, ou para as tradicionais notas padronizadas.

  6. The Cambridge English Scale is used to report results for our qualifications and tests. The scores provide a detailed understanding of the candidate’s level. They are also consistent across the different exams, making it easy to compare results and understand progress from one level to the next. *Linguaskill reports up to a maximum score of ...

  7. English Language Assessment レベルチェックテスト ケンブリッジ大学英語検定機構は、ケンブリッジ大学の一部門としてたくさんの人々が英語を学び、世界にそのスキルを証明するお手伝いをしています。