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  1. Hi Classical Quechua learners! 😊 In this lesson, we will learn about colors in Classical Quechua. Color words are important in every language, and Classical Quechua is not an exception. Colors give us the ability to describe things that we see in our surroundings or in our imagination. We will also learn about some cultural aspects related ...

  2. Facts about Classical Quechua. Language code (ISO 639-3): qwc. Autonyms ( how to write "Classical Quechua" in Classical Quechua ): Runasimi / Qhichwa simi.

  3. A Wikipedia en quechua (en quechua: Qichwa Wikipidiya) é a edición da enciclopedia libre Wikipedia en quechua. Con máis de 22 000 artigos, [ 1] é a versión máis grande de Wikipedia nunha lingua indíxena de América. Esta versión da enciclopedia contén 24.040 artigos e 30.622 usuarios, dos cales 41 son activos. [ 2]

  4. 27 de mar. de 2023 · Hi Classical Quechua learners! 😊 In this lesson, we will be learning Classical Quechua vocabulary related to family. Learning how to talk about your family in a new language can be both useful and interesting. You can connect with your new friends and collaborators by exchanging information about your culture and traditions. Let's begin!

  5. 26 de mar. de 2023 · In Peru there are no less than 13 linguistic regions, each speaking a different Quechua but with reciprocal influences and a common background due to its historical diffusion before, then after the arrival of the Incas and the conquest. Vocabulary and pronunciation often differ. Varities of Quechua include: Once you've tackled this subject, you ...

  6. › wiki › QuechuaQuechuaWikipedia

    Quechua, deutsch Ketschua (offiziell in Bolivien Qhichwa, [1] in Peru meist Qichwa, [2] [3] im östlichen Tiefland Perus [2] und in Ecuador Kichwa ), ist eine Gruppe eng miteinander verwandter indigener Sprachvarietäten, die im Andenraum Südamerikas gesprochen werden. Es existieren unterschiedliche Ansichten dazu, inwiefern man hier von einer ...

  7. As of July 2024, Wikipedia articles have been created in 344 editions, with 331 currently active and 13 closed. [4] The Meta-Wiki language committee manages policies on creating new Wikimedia projects. To be eligible, a language must have a valid ISO 639 code, be "sufficiently unique", and have a "sufficient number of fluent users". [5]