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  1. 乔治·梅瑞狄斯George Meredith(1828年2月12日---1909年)英国作家。他父亲是个裁缝,而他母亲在他5岁的时候就去世了,自从丧母之后,他的童年过的并不快乐.他的父亲(Augustus Meredith)从自己的父亲手中继承到了一份摇摇欲坠的生意和沉重的赋税.1837年,Augustus Meredith被迫宣布破产,他到伦敦去设法谋生,而他的 ...

  2. 乔治·梅瑞狄斯,OM(英語: George Meredith ,1828年2月12日—1909年5月18日),英国 维多利亚时代诗人,小说家。 他的诗歌多取材现实和个人经历,真诚地表达着自己的悲伤与快乐;他的小说如《比尤坎普的职业》、《利己主义者》和《十字路口的戴安娜》以其结构严密,人物形象鲜明,对话精彩获得 ...

  3. 26 de out. de 2023 · Highly influential in his own time, George Meredith (b. 1828–d. 1909) was a larger-than-life figure. Novelist, poet, occasional essayist, journalist, and dramatist, he was also, for over three decades, a reader for the great London publishing house, Chapman and Hall. As a friend of the Pre-Raphaelites, he even cut a figure in the art world ...

  4. George Meredith. Escritor inglês, nascido em 1828 e falecido em 1909, é considerado como um dos romancistas mais importantes da época vitoriana. Em 1851, publicou o seu primeiro volume de poemas intitulado Poems, ao qual se seguiram Modern Love, and Poems of the English Roadside, with Poems and Ballads, Poems and Lyrics of the Joy of Earth e ...

  5. 14 de mai. de 2024 · George Meredith - Novelist, Poet, Satirist: During the next 20 years, from 1865 to 1885, Meredith continued the drudgery of reading manuscripts but substituted weekly readings to an elderly rich widow for the newspaper work. It was, however, a period marked by the birth of the children, the publication of seven novels and a volume of poems, and, in the 1880s, by growing public recognition. The ...

  6. 12 de fev. de 2008 · George Meredith nasce a Portsmouth (Hampshire, Inghilterra) il 12 febbraio 1828. Trasferitosi in Germania per studio, abbandona la giurisprudenza per l'attività giornalistica e letteraria. Divenuto collaboratore di periodici e consulente editoriale, si afferma presto come romanziere di grande originalità nei generi più diversi, dal picaresco finemente umoristico all'intensa caratterizzazione...

  7. George Meredith. George Meredith ( Portsmouth, 12 februari 1828 – Box Hill, 18 mei 1909) was een Engelse romanschrijver en dichter in de victoriaanse tijd .