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  1. 丘成桐获得菲尔兹奖时33岁。他解决的卡拉比(Calabi)猜想在数学界和物理学界被称为卡拉比-丘成桐空间(Calabi-YauYau是丘成桐的英文姓氏),不单单是代数几何和数论中主要工具,也成为高能物理中宇宙的主要模型。

  2. Description:This course presents a comprehensive exploration of mathematical theories on metamaterials within wave systems including acoustics, electromagnetics, and elasticity. The analytical methodologies encompass both the potential theory and the variational approach. Subsequently, the course delves into the practical applications including ...

  3. 17. Mu-Tao Wang, Professor Shing-Tung Yau’s work on positive mass theorems, 18. Xiaowei Wang, Yau’s conjecture on K aahler-Einstein metric and stability, 19. Fangyang Zheng, On Yau’s Pioneer Contribution on the Frankel Conjecture and Related Questions, 20. Kang Zuo, Yau’s work on inequalities between Chern numbers and uniformization of ...

  4. Shing-Tung Yau naît dans la ville de Shantou, province de Guangdong dans une famille de huit enfants. Son père, un professeur de philosophie, est mort alors qu'il avait quatorze ans. Il déménage à Hong Kong avec sa famille, où il étudie les mathématiques à l' université chinoise de Hong Kong de 1966 à 1969.

  5. シン=トゥン・ヤウ(Shing-Tung Yau)、中国名:丘 成桐(きゅう せいとう, 1949年 4月4日 - )は、イギリス領香港出身のアメリカ人 数学者。ハーバード大学名誉教授兼清華大学教授。現在、清華大学のヤウ数学科学センターの所長であり、ハーバード大学名誉 ...

  6. Past Faculty. From Yau's Website: "Shing-Tung Yau has made fundamental contributions to differential geometry which have influenced a wide range of scientific disciplines, including astronomy and theoretical physics. With Richard Schoen, Yau solved a longstanding question in Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity by proving that the sum of ...

  7. In December 2009, Tsinghua University established the Mathematical Sciences Center, with internationally renowned mathematician Professor Shing-Tung Yau as director. In late 2014, the Ministry of Education officially approved the establishment of the Yau Mathematical Sciences Center (YMSC) at Tsinghua University.