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  1. Karl Siegbahn. Fisicí a rugadh in Örebro na Sualainne ab ea Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn ( 3 Nollaig 1886 – 26 Meán Fómhair 1978 ). Rinne sé taighde ceannródaíoch ar chruthú X-ghathanna le tonnfhaid éagsúla. D'éirigh leis fianaise ar sceallsamhail Neils Bohr don adamh a aimsiú, agus d'fhorbair sé an speictreascópacht X-ghathach.

  2. Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn (mas conoixito como Manne Siegbahn ), naixito d' Örebro ( condau d'Örebro, Suecia) o 3 d'aviento de 1886 y muerto en Estocolmo ( Suecia) o 26 de setiembre de 1978, estió un fisico sueco, que recibió o Premio Nobel de Fisica en 1924 por os suyos descubrimientos y as suyas investigacions en o campo d'a espectroscopia ...

  3. Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn. (Örebro, 1886 - Estocolmo, 1978) Físico sueco. De origen modesto (su padre era empleado de ferrocarriles), inició sus estudios superiores en la Universidad de Lund, donde se doctoró en Ciencias en 1912. Desde 1907 trabajó como ayudante de J. R. Rydberg en el Instituto de Física de dicha universidad, en la que ...

  4. Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn was born on the 3 December 1886, in Örebro , south-central Sweden. His father, Nils Reinhold Georg Siegbahn, was a stationmaster of the State Railways and was posted at Orebro at time of his birth. His mother’s name was Emma Sofia Mathilda Zetterberg.

  5. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1981 was divided, one half jointly to Nicolaas Bloembergen and Arthur Leonard Schawlow "for their contribution to the development of laser spectroscopy" and the other half to Kai M. Siegbahn "for his contribution to the development of high-resolution electron spectroscopy"

  6. 20 de jul. de 1998 · Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn (born Dec. 3, 1886, Örebro, Swed.—died Sept. 26, 1978, Stockholm) was a Swedish physicist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1924 for his discoveries and investigations in X-ray spectroscopy. Siegbahn was educated at the University of Lund and obtained his doctorate there in 1911.

  7. Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn. 卡尔·曼内·乔格·西格巴恩 先生 出生于 1886-12-03 , 于 1978-09-26 辞世,享年 91 岁。. 1924 年 诺贝尔物理学奖. 1925-11-12 , 卡尔·曼内·乔格·西格巴恩 获颁 诺贝尔物理学奖 ,以表彰:. “ for his discoveries and research in the field of X-ray spectroscopy ...