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  1. 编辑. 奥斯丁·张伯伦1863年10月16日生于 伯明翰 。. 是市长 约瑟夫·张伯伦 第一个妻子的长子,他母亲难产死去后,父亲再婚,又生了6个孩子,1937-1940年担任英国首相的 内维尔·张伯伦 就是他的异母弟弟。. 他的父亲是世纪之交英国最活跃的人物,年轻的时候是 ...

  2. David Dutton analyses Austen Chamberlain's impact on British foreign policy, and European affairs, between the wars. Few of those charged with the direction of British foreign policy in the inter-war years have fared particularly well at the bar of history. But, among the array of damaged reputations of Prime Ministers and Foreign Secretaries ...

  3. Austen Chamberlain, 1863-1937. The man and his diary letters. 1 1. 'Times Strange Revenges': Coalition and the India Office, November 1916 -July 1917. 33 2. 'One ought to be useful where one can': Committees and Commissions, August 1917 - April 1918. 51 3. 'I feel bound to serve': The War Cabinet, April 1918 - January 1919. 83 4.

  4. 18 de jan. de 2019 · Sir Austen Chamberlain, un diplômé de Cambridge promis à un brillant avenir dans la diplomatie européenne, fut parmi les tout premiers à y étudier. Célèbre pour son rôle dans les négociations des Accords de Locarno, pour lequel il reçut le prix Nobel de la paix, Austen Chamberlain occupa le poste de ministre des Affaires étrangères britannique pendant l’entre-deux-guerres de ...

  5. 8 de jun. de 2001 · Austen Chamberlain was born to greatness. That he did not achieve the highest office in the land was the peculiar consequence of his own honour, and his party's lack of it.

  6. Austen Chamberlain. Joseph Austen Chamberlain (n. 16 octombrie 1863, Birmingham, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii și Irlandei – d. 16 martie 1937, Londra, Anglia, Regatul Unit) a fost un politician englez, premiat cu Premiul Nobel pentru Pace în 1925, datorită contribuției sale fundamentale de la Tratatele de la Locarno .

  7. 11 de mar. de 2024 · Austen Chamberlain did not seem to me to be a man of first-rate mind, but he obviously possessed high character and the sort of disinterested goodness and amateur methods that now and then have enabled British statesmen to play notable roles in negotiations with foreign diplomats, even when the latter have been armed with subtler minds and the traditional techniques.