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  1. Elizabeth est la fille de sir John Blount et de Catherine Pershall. John Blount est un loyal serviteur anonyme de la famille royale et a été aux côtés du roi Henri VIII en France quand il est parti en guerre contre Louis XII de France, en 1513. On sait peu de choses de la jeunesse d'Elizabeth, excepté que sa beauté était réputée, et qu ...

  2. 6 de mar. de 2015 · married Thomas Howard, 3rd duke of Norfolk. died May 1532. buried in Essex. interesting notes: Elizabeth Stafford’s mother, Catherine Woodville, was the niece of Queen Elizabeth Woodville and daughter of Jacquetta of Luxembourg. also, Henry’s illegitimate son with Elizabeth Blount married Elizabeth Stafford’s daughter, Mary Howard!

  3. Elizabeth "Bessie" Blount as played by Ruta Gedmintas. Born c. 1502 - Died c. 1540. Character's Backstory: One of only two acknowledged mistresses of King Henry VIII, Elizabeth Blount possibly began her affair with the king some time c. 1514, as a very young girl. It was recorded that she accompanied Henry as the lead in a Christmas mummery ...

  4. 4 de ago. de 2021 · Elizabeth Blount adalah sosok yang amat sangat terkenal karena bisa menaklukan hati raja Henry VIII. Bagian awal hidupnya adalah sebuah misteri. Yang kita tahu hanyalah bahwa dia dikenal karena kecantikannya yang luar biasa, yang jelas menarik perhatian raja.

  5. Sir John Blount era un servitore fedele, anche se insignificante, della famiglia reale, che accompagnò re Enrico in Francia nel 1513 quando intraprese la guerra contro Luigi XII di Francia . Poco si sa dei primi anni di Elizabeth Blount, tranne che per la sua reputazione riguardo alla sua bellezza, e per la sua relazione con re Enrico VIII ...

  6. 10 de abr. de 2016 · Elizabeth Blount was born around 1500 in Kinlet in Shropshire, to John Blount of Kinlet and his wife Katherine, daughter of Sir Hugh Pershall of Knightley. There is some confusion as to whether she was her parent’s first child, but it is likely that she was their eldest daughter. Elizabeth (Bessie) was born at Kinlet Hall, but probably grew ...

  7. Elizabeth Blount (Kinlet, Shropshire, 1502 - 1540), también conocida como "Bessie", era hija de Sir John Blount y Catherine Pershall. Sirvió como dama de compañía de la reina de Inglaterra, Catalina de Aragón y Ana de Cleves .