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  1. castration anxiety: 1. a child's fear of injury to the genitals by the parent of the same gender as punishment for unconcious guilt over oedipal feelings; 2. fantasized loss of the penis by a female or fear of its actual loss by a male; 3. unconscious fear of injury from those in authority. Synonym(s): castration anxiety

  2. Castration anxiety. 2 Segundo Jacques Alain-Miller, esse texto consiste de duas notas manuscritas, entregues por Lacan a Jenny Aubry, em 1969, e foram publicadas por ela em um livro seu, surgido em 1983.

  3. And if castration anxiety is rearing its head again, the underlying driver today may be more technology than ideology. When Freud described the “castration complex”, he was living through an age that saw perhaps the most drastic ever displacement of brute physical strength: an overwhelmingly male attribute.

  4. Conceiving anxiety as the sign, not of castration, but rather, of the imminency of an object eluded from the subject´s field, Lacan is able to point out what is really at stake for the subject facing anxiety in analysis. Keywords: Psychoanalysis, Castration anxiety, Object a, Neurosis.

  5. 閹割焦慮 是指人們對 閹割 (割掉 陰莖 )的 恐懼 ,這是 西格蒙德·弗洛伊德 提出的一個 精神分析理論 (英語:Psychoanalytic theory) [1] 。. 儘管弗洛伊德認為人類普遍都有閹割焦慮,但對這一精神分析理論進行的 實證研究 卻很少。. 該理論認為,孩子害怕父母 ...

  6. 8 de jul. de 2022 · Thus, castration anxiety is likely tied to the way society—and parents—handle the anatomical differences between males and females. It may well be that mothers who engender secure attachment relationships may be able to obviate the trauma associated with the birth of younger siblings, possibly by providing birth and sex-related information that can help the expectant sibling cope better ...

  7. Although castration anxiety is frequently intermingled with separation anxiety, the author concludes that with many traumatized patients castration conflicts are in the foreground and the therapist needs to focus on the patient's proneness to humiliation, powerlessness, and shame.