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  1. Sir Charles Algernon Parsons (1854-1931) Described as one of the greatest engineers that this country has ever produced, Charles Parsons attended lectures given by James Stuart on Mechanisms and Applied Mechanics in 1877, when he graduated after taking the Mathematical Tripos at St John's.

  2. 26 de fev. de 2010 · A young Irish engineer, Charles Algernon Parsons, and some of his contemporaries realized the need to create of a rotating machine or turbine to convert the power of steam directly into electricity. In 1884, after becoming a junior partner in the firm Clarke, Chapman and Parsons, he built the first multi-stage reaction turbine.

  3. Charles Algernon Parsons. Sir Charles Algernon Parsons (Londra, 13 giugno 1854 – Kingston, 11 febbraio 1931) è stato un ingegnere britannico [1], conosciuto per essere stato l'inventore della turbina a vapore. Lavorò nelle industrie Armstrong Whitworth, ma nel 1884 fu assunto alla Clarke Chapman, di cui divenne presto socio.

  4. Charles Algernon Parsons1854-1931 British engineer and inventor who in 1884 invented a reaction turbine that revolved through the use of steam. In Parson's design steam was permitted to expand in a number of stages, performing useful work at each stage.

  5. Charles Algernon Parsons was born on the July 13, 1854 into a wealthy and talented family. His father, the third Earl of Rosse, was president of the Royal Society and a distinguished astronomer. His mother was a pioneer in the field of photography.

  6. PARSONS, CHARLES ALGERNON (1854–1931)Charles Algernon Parsons was born in London on June 13, 1854, the son of a wealthy, aristocratic Anglo-Irish family that was scientifically very distinguished. His father, William Parsons (third Earl of Rosse), a member of parliament, was an engineer, astronomer, and telescope-maker who had built the largest telescope in the world.

  7. Charles Algernon Parsons, nado en Londres o 13 de xuño de 1854 e finado en Kingston o 11 de febreiro de 1931, foi un enxeñeiro e inventor anglo-irlandés, máis coñecido pola invención da turbina de vapor [1] e por dar nome á C. A. Parsons and Company.