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  1. 27 de dez. de 2013 · Class XI English – A Photograph – Hornbill. This post “A Photograph” has a brief life history of the poet, introduction, theme, word meanings, summary, main points, important extracts, questions, and answers with all NCERT solutions to facilitate the understanding of the poem. Academicseasy is presenting a fully revised and updated ...

  2. 22 de jun. de 2020 · The poet is certainly filled with a sense of loss. Her mother is long dead and though the poet has adjusted to her absence, she is not able to completely overcome her loss. She remembers how it used to be when her mother was still with her. The last line is an apt depiction of her state of mind. The loss has filled her life with silence.

  3. 27 de jul. de 2021 · Now the poet remembers how this photograph had helped him cope with his fear during the two years he had spent at war. By describing the two years as “long” (line 13), the poet tells us that this was a difficult and unhappy time. He saw the horrors of war in which not only soldiers but also Japanese civilians (ordinary people) suffered.

  4. 20 de jun. de 2023 · Ans : The poet remembers that she used to lead a safe life under the roof of her father’s house near the old hall door about her day’s of youth. 2. What does the ‘damp’ refer to? Ans: The damp refers to slightly wet. Here the poet says that the thick dew drops of the morning settles down in the long grass.

  5. 9 de mar. de 2011 · Timothy Garton Ash, in his book “Facts are Subversive,” quotes the Polish poet Czeslaw Milosz who wrote: Do not feel safe. The poet remembers. You may kill him “” another will be born. Deeds and words shall be recorded. Yes, the poet remembers, and Qaddafi’s deeds “” his crimes “” will be recorded.

  6. 31 de dez. de 2023 · The mother laughs at the strange beach dresses she and her little cousins are wearing. She remembers her happy sea holiday. The poet remembers how her mother would laugh looking at the snapshot. The photograph – a happy one-actually reminds the poet of her grief and loss, the unbearably short life of her mother who passed away twelve years ago.

  7. The poet begins this stanza by saying that he remembers the time in his life when he used to swing so high and so freely that it could be considered equivalent to flying. The fresh air, the serene nature, and the overwhelming emotions experienced during such a simple activity delivered the same pleasure and calm to the poet that he feels flying is capable of.