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  1. 12 de mai. de 2020 · ABSTRACT. This paper discusses the relevance of Georg Lukács’ 1923 book History and Class Consciousness in the context of digital capitalism. It does so by analysing how Lukács’ concepts of the dialectic of subject and object, ideology, reification, reified consciousness matter today in the context of big data and digital capitalism.

  2. 1 de mai. de 2023 · Since its first publication one century ago, Georg Lukács’s book History and Class Consciousness exerted great influence on many different areas of social and practical philosophy—suffice it to mention such broad theoretical strands as “critical theory” or “Western Marxism.” 16 Georg Lukács, History and Class Consciousness ...

  3. 'George Lukacs's History and Class Consciousness is a truly extraordinary work, and its English translation, after almost fifty years of neglect by English and American publishers, is a major event...The full quality of Lukacs's brilliance is most powerfully manifested in this 'youthful' work (done when merely 38), where he reveals himself as by far and away the most talented philosopher among ...

  4. 《历史与阶级意识》 ——关于马克思主义辩证法的研究 Georg Lukács: Geschichte und Klassenbewusstsein (感谢 sovietlijie同志 录入兼校订)

  5. History and Class Consciousness Georg Lukács 1923. Critical Observations on Rosa Luxemburg’s “Critique of the Russian Revolution” PAUL LEVI has felt impelled to publish a pamphlet that Comrade Rosa Luxemburg composed hurriedly while in Breslau gaol and that has survived as an incomplete fragment.

  6. History & Class Consciousness Written : 1919-1923; Source : History & Class Consciousness; Translator : Rodney Livingstone; Publisher : Merlin Press, 1967; Transcription and HTML Mark-up : Andy Blunden. Preface (December 1922) What is Orthodox Marxism? (March 1919) The Marxism of Rosa Luxemburg (Jan 1921) Class Consciousness (March 1920)

  7. Georg Lukács 1923. History and Class Consciousness Preface. THE collection and publication of these essays in book form is not intended to give them a greater importance as a whole than would be due to each individually.