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  1. New York (štát USA) New York New York (oficiálne State of New York) je štát nachádzajúci sa na východnom pobreží Spojených štátov amerických, v Stredoatlantickej oblasti severovýchodného regiónu USA. New York hraničí na juhu s New Jersey a Pensylvániou a na východe s Connecticutom, Massachusetts a Vermontom.

  2. The hamlet of Guilderland was begun as a glass factory in 1792, often referred to as the "Glass House". [1] This factory was in the middle of the wilderness of the Pine Bush pine barrens, in an area then called Dowesburgh. [2] In 1796, with hopes of establishing a manufacturing village, streets and lots were laid out and sold, and 54 houses ...

  3. Histoire de New York. Vous lisez un « article de qualité » labellisé en 2008. L' histoire de la ville de New York s'échelonne sur plusieurs siècles et commence, bien avant l'arrivée des premiers colons dans ce qui est maintenant Manhattan, avec l'occupation par les populations amérindiennes.

  4. L'agglomération new-yorkaise, communément appelée « Grand New York » concentre plus de 26 millions d'habitants. Entre 1995 et 2005, la population de la commune de New York a augmenté plus rapidement que celle de sa région. Les démographes estiment qu'elle devrait atteindre les 20 millions d'habitants vers 2025.

  5. USS. New York. (BB-34) O USS New York foi um couraçado operado pela Marinha dos Estados Unidos e a primeira embarcação da Classe New York, seguido pelo USS Texas. Sua construção começou em setembro de 1911 no Estaleiro Naval de Nova Iorque e foi lançado ao mar em outubro do ano seguinte, sendo comissionado em maio de 1914. [ 1]

  6. › wiki › New_YorkNew York - Wikipedia

    John Lennon) Il Metropolitan Museum of Art è uno dei più grandi musei del mondo New York è stata descritta, dai consolati diplomatici islandesi e lettoni , come capitale culturale del mondo. Un libro che contiene una serie di saggi, dal titolo New York, la capitale della cultura del mondo (1940-1965), è stato pubblicato dalla National Library of Australia. Tom Wolfe , riguardo all'ambiente ...

  7. In January 1987, shortly before the team won Super Bowl XXI, then New York City mayor Ed Koch labeled the team "foreigners" and said they were not entitled to a ticker-tape parade in New York City. On February 5, 2008, the city, under mayor Michael Bloomberg , threw a ticker tape parade in honor of the Giants' Super Bowl XLII victory at the Canyon of Heroes in lower Manhattan. [96]