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  1. Michael Ryan Flatley (born July 16, 1958) [1] is an Irish-American dancer. He became known for Irish dance shows Riverdance, Lord of the Dance, Feet of Flames, and Celtic Tiger Live. In 2003, Flatley was treated for a malignant melanoma. [2] In January 2023, Flatley announced that he had surgery for "an aggressive form of cancer".

  2. Michael Flatley ist das zweite von fünf Kindern. Seine Eltern sowie seine Großeltern stammen aus Irland. Da die gesamte Familie sehr musikalisch veranlagt war, folgte Flatley dem Wunsch seines Vaters und erlernte das Spielen der Querflöte.

  3. Michael Flatley nació en la comunidad irlandesa del South Side de Chicago; sus padres provenían de los condados de Sligo y Carlow, en Irlanda. Flatley comenzó a aprender danza a los 11 años [ 2 ] y en 1975 se convirtió en el primer no europeo en ganar el Campeonato de Irlanda de Danza Irlandesa; [ 3 ] similar éxito obtuvo como flautista, ganando en tres ocasiones el Campeonato de Irlanda ...

  4. 麥可·瑞恩·佛萊利(英語: Michael Ryan Flatley ,1958年7月16日 — )生於美國,是美國 踢踏舞者、作家、長笛手、編舞家與偶時的電視主持人,以音樂劇《大河之舞》、《舞王》及《火焰之舞》聞名國際,歷年觀看人數超越6千萬,估計總收入達10億美元 。

  5. Michael Flatley ( Chicago, 16. srpnja 1958.) je irsko - američki plesač stepa, koreograf, glazbenik te televizijski voditelj. Postao je međunarodno poznat zahvaljujući nastupima u plesnim spektaklima: "Riverdance", "Lord of the Dance", "Feet of Flames" i "Keltski tigar". Dana, 20. travnja 2010., Michael Flatley se odlučio vratiti na ...

  6. Michael Flatley (ur. 16 lipca 1958 w Chicago) – amerykański tancerz, flecista i choreograf pochodzenia irlandzkiego. Znany głównie jako twórca widowisk ...

  7. Michael Ryan Flatley is an Irish-American former dancer, choreographer, and musician. He was a guest judge in week 6 of season seven of Dancing with the Stars. Flatley is a native of South Side, Chicago. He is of Irish ancestry. His parents were both born in Ireland, Michael from County Sligo and Elizabeth (née Eilish) Ryan from County Carlow, but immigrated to the United States in 1947 ...