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  1. Diese Freiwilligenarmee besteht aus etwa 69.200 Berufssoldaten (Stand 2023) und ist in die Teilstreitkräfte Heer (South African Army), Luftwaffe (South African Air Force), Marine (South African Navy) und Medizinischer Dienst (South African Military Health Service) unterteilt. Die allgemeine Wehrpflicht wurde im Jahr 1994 abgeschafft.

  2. The Jews in South Africa: An Illustrated History. Jeppestown: Jonathan Ball Publishers. ISBN 978-1-86842-281-4. Shimoni, Gideon (1980). Jews and Zionism: The South African Experience 1910-1967. Cape Town: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-570179-1. Shimoni, Gideon (2003). Community and Conscience: The Jews and Apartheid South Africa.

  3. New Zealand plays rugby matches against South Africa regardless of the international boycott. Because New Zealand is not suspended by the International Olympic Committee, 28 countries boycotted the 1976 Summer Olympics. South Africa's (and Africa's) first and only nuclear power station Koeberg Nuclear Power Station begins construction.

  4. The following co-operative banks are registered by the South African Reserve Bank: Ditsobotla Primary Savings and Credit Co-operative Bank; KSK Koöperatiewe Bank Beperk

  5. The Flag of South Africa The Coat of arms of South Africa An enlargeable map of the Republic of South Africa The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to South Africa: South Africa – A sovereign country located at the southern tip of Africa . [1]

  6. A África é o terceiro continente mais extenso (depois da Ásia e da América) com cerca de 30 milhões de quilômetros quadrados, cobrindo 20,3% da área total da terra firme do planeta. É o segundo continente mais populoso da Terra (atrás da Ásia) com cerca de um bilhão de pessoas (estimativa para 2005 [1]), representando cerca de um sétimo da população mundial, e 54 países ...

  7. Same-sex marriage has been legal in South Africa since the Civil Union Act, 2006 came into force on 30 November 2006. The decision of the Constitutional Court in the case of Minister of Home Affairs v Fourie on 1 December 2005 extended the common-law definition of marriage to include same-sex spouses—as the Constitution of South Africa guarantees equal protection before the law to all ...