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  1. ウナギのゼリー寄せ(ウナギのゼリーよせ、英: Jellied eels )またはウナギの煮こごり(ウナギのにこごり)は、18世紀に生まれた伝統的なイングランド料理である。特にロンドンのイーストエンドの名物として知られる。

  2. 23 de jan. de 2012 · Eel, pie and mash houses are bits of living history and are very much a London invention. The houses were a Victorian creation, though sellers had had stalls since the eighteenth century. Eels were very cheap and just swimming about in the River Thames. Strangley, they took off during a time when the heavily-polluted Thames….

  3. 30 de jul. de 2022 · 店内に入ってすぐにあるメニュー表に「jellied eels(ウナギのゼリー寄せ)」の名前を発見。 確かにこのお店でウナギのゼリー寄せを食べられるよう ...

  4. 16 de jan. de 2021 · Today, jellied eels can be found all over the UK, at summer kiosks and racecourses, but there are only a handful of merchants who actually make them, all based in London. One of these is Barneys ...

  5. イギリスには「うなぎのゼリー寄せ(Jellied Eels)」なる奇妙な料理が存在します。. これは、スパイスを効かせたスープのとともに、うなぎをゼリー状の食感に固めて仕上げた英国の伝統料理です。. この料理は歴史的にロンドン、特にイーストエンドと呼ば ...

  6. Jellied Eels mini Bowl. £ 22.00. These are our specialty, we have been producing this London delicacy for over 69 years. Bradley’s traditional jellied eels are sold in all the major supermarkets. A bowl has around 18 pieces of eel, break out the crusty bread, and chili vinegar. Once opened this product has a maximum of 3 days’ life.

  7. The apparently nameless stall operates like a fishmonger for some shoppers, supplying things like winkles, crab claws and neon pink seafood sticks, to be enjoyed at home. But most customers are here for the ready-to-eat Southend cockles, a polystyrene cup of which costs £2.50.