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  1. Há 1 dia · e. The foreign policy of Vladimir Putin concerns the policies of the Russian Federation's president Vladimir Putin with respect to other nations. He has held the office of the President previously from 2000 to 2008, and reassumed power again in 2012 and has been President since. As of late 2013, Russia–United States relations were at a low ...

  2. Há 1 dia · The third protagonist is Russian opposition leader Vladimir Kara-Murza, who was allegedly poisoned by Putin’s mercenaries twice and tried for treason in Moscow. Since he spends the four years during which the film was made (from 2019 to 2023) in prison, his wife Evgenia Kara-Murza becomes his voice and surrogate in the film, just as she was in real life.

  3. Há 1 dia · Tony Blair avec Vladimir Poutine (Londres, 26 juin 2003). Tony Blair se rend en Russie en mars 2000 pour rencontrer le président par intérim Vladimir Poutine, nommé deux mois auparavant par le président démissionnaire Boris Eltsine.

  4. Há 7 horas · It may be a multi-front war like World War II: in Europe, the Middle East, the Pacific, in our hemisphere, and globally. Our enemies include Vladimir Putin’s Russia, Xi Jinping’s China, and Kim Jong-un’s North Korea; and arguably, they are at the top of their game.

  5. Há 3 horas · Vladimir Putin was great. Thank god he was here because this video would've been much worse without him. Xi Jinping was alright. The interrogator played by Pooby had his funny moments . Cons: The plot is so stupid. It's just another generic misunderstanding video, which most of the time aren't funny in the slightest, and this video is no exception.

  6. Há 3 horas · Putin discursou, deu entrevistas, falou de economia e negócios. O ocidente alargado censurou! Nem uma notícia. Os nazis decidiram travar o vento com as mãos. Escondem a realidade de uma forma criminosa. Biden diz que a paz na Ucrânia se resolve com a derrota da Federação Russa! E as pessoas acreditam. Biden diz que a Ucrânia é uma ...

  7. Há 1 dia · Докато украински официални лица вдигнаха тревога за заплахата от руски пробив по време на месеци на забавяне на доставките на оръжия от САЩ, войските на Киев предимно удържаха линията ...