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  1. The Church of St Constantine and Helena ( Bulgarian: Св. Св. Константин и Елена) is a church in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. It is considered to be among the oldest churches in the city. It was built in 337 at the sight of an ancient pagan temple in the acropolis on one of the fortified hills. The church was named after Emperor ...

  2. Helena ôm cây Thánh giá. Helena ( tiếng Latinh: Flavia Iulia Helena Augusta) hay còn được gọi là Thánh Helen, Helena Augusta, Helena thành Constantinopolis (246-330 TCN) là vợ của Hoàng đế Constantius, và mẹ của Hoàng đế Constantine I. Bà được ghi nhận với việc tìm kiếm những di vật của cây ...

  3. Emperor Constantine I appointed his mother Helen as Augusta, and gave her unlimited access to the imperial treasury in order to locate the relics of Judeo-Christian tradition. In 325, Helena was in charge of such a journey to Jerusalem by her son who had recently declared Rome as a Christian city.

  4. Jan Willem Drijvers: Helena Augusta. The Mother of Constantine the Great and her Finding of the True Cross. Brill, Leiden u. a. 1992, ISBN 90-04-09435-0 (Brill's Studies in intellectual History. 27). Julia Hillner: Helena Augusta. Mother of the Empire. OUP, Oxford 2022, ISBN 978-0190875299. Richard Klein: Helena II (Kaiserin).

  5. 17 de nov. de 2022 · Abstract. Helena, the mother of the first Christian emperor Constantine, is best known for the last two years of her life, when she traveled around the Eastern Mediterranean, and for something that, in all likelihood, she did not do: the discovery of the True Cross relic. Using a vast range of sources, from textual and epigraphical to visual ...

  6. Helena av Konstantinopel, fullt navn Flavia Iulia Helena (født ca. 248–250 i Drepanon – i dag Karamürsel – i Bithynia; død formodentlig 18. august 330 i Nikomedia – i dag İzmit ), var mor til den romerske keiser Konstantin den store, som gav henne tittelen Augusta. I den katolske kirken og i de ortodokse kirkene æres hun som helgen.

  7. Theodora Asanina. Helena Palaiologina ( Greek: Ἑλένη Παλαιολογίνα; 23 April 1442 – c. 1469) was the daughter and only child of Demetrios Palaiologos, Despot of Morea, a brother of the final Byzantine emperor Constantine XI Palaiologos. Her mother was Theodora Asanina of the Asen family, a family which had once ruled Bulgaria.