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  1. Anna Freud was born in Vienna on 3 December 1895. She was the youngest of Sigmund and Martha Freud’s six children. Anna came to London from Vienna with her family when they fled Nazi-occupied Vienna in June 1938. Here, Anna made a new life, practiced psychoanalysis and established a high reputation in her own right as a pioneer of child ...

  2. 28 de ago. de 2023 · Anna Freud (1895-1982) foi uma psicanalista austríaca e filha de Sigmund Freud, o pai da psicanálise. Ela é conhecida por sua contribuição significativa ao campo da psicanálise infantil e pela fundação da Hampstead Child Therapy Course and Clinic, que posteriormente se tornou a Anna Freud Centre.

  3. Always an innovator, Anna Freud expanded her father’s foundational theoretical and clinical theories through empirical evidence from close and detailed observational studies of children. The insights from her psychoanalytic treatment of children laid the groundwork for fundamental advances in charting the complex path of human development from birth to early adulthood.

  4. Nascida em Viena, Áustria, em 1895, Anna foi a sexta filha de Sigmund Freud e Martha Bernays. Ela seguiu os passos de seu pai e se tornou uma renomada psicanalista, dedicando sua vida ao estudo e prática da psicanálise. Uma das principais contribuições de Anna Freud para a psicanálise foi sua ênfase no estudo do desenvolvimento infantil.

  5. Anna Freud’s participation in a Yale Law Faculty initiative to discuss the application of psychoanalytic ideas on areas such as family law or criminal law, producing two important publications ‘Beyond the Best Interests of the Child’, with J. Goldstein and A. Solnit (1973) and ‘Before the Best Interests of the Child’, with J. Goldstein, A. Solnit and S. Goldstein (1979).

  6. Anna Freud (born Dec. 3, 1895, Vienna—died Oct. 9, 1982, London) was an Austrian-born British founder of child psychoanalysis and one of its foremost practitioners. She also made fundamental contributions to understanding how the ego, or consciousness, functions in averting painful ideas, impulses, and feelings.

  7. Anna Freud war eine der ersten österreichischen Psychoanalytikerinnen, Pionierin der psychoanalytischen Pädagogik und Sozialarbeit sowie der Kinder- und Jugendlichen-Analyse, Mitbegründerin der Ich-Psychologie, des Alternativschulprojekts Hietzing-Schule (Wien), der „Jackson Day Nursery“ (Wien), der „Hampstead War Nurseries“ (London ...

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