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  1. This painting of novelist and poet Emily Brontë is the only surviving fragment of a lost group portrait that included her siblings Anne, Charlotte and Branwell Brontë, the latter who painted the portrait. It was discovered at the same time as another sibling group portrait also in the Gallery's collection. The front page of the popular Daily ...

  2. 21 de jun. de 2015 · Anne Brontë (born Jan. 17, 1820, Thornton, Yorkshire, Eng.—died May 28, 1849, Scarborough, Yorkshire) was an English poet and novelist, sister of Charlotte and Emily Brontë and author of Agnes Grey (1847) and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (1848). The youngest of six children of Patrick and Marie Brontë, Anne was taught in the family’s ...

  3. À travers poèmes et proses inédits, ce recueil reconstruit le cheminement imaginaire – « le monde du dessous », écrivait Charlotte – au cœur de la création romanesque des Brontë et lui donne tout son sens. Traduit de l'anglais (Royaume-Uni) et présenté par Patrick Remaux. Le Monde du dessous, Branwell Brontë, Charlotte Brontë ...

  4. Patrick Branwell Brontë (* 26. jún 1817, Thornton, Anglicko, Spojené kráľovstvo – † 24. september 1848, Thornton, Anglicko, Spojené kráľovstvo) bol anglický maliar a básnik, jediný syn v rodine Brontëových, brat spisovateliek Charlotte, Emily a Anne Brontëových.

  5. Mort (e) à : Haworth , le 24 septembre 18. Biographie : Unique frère des romancières Charlotte, Emily et Anne Brontë, Branwell fut peintre portraitiste et écrivain-poète. Considéré dans sa prime jeunesse comme l'artiste le plus doué de la famille, il a stimulé l'éveil littéraire de ses sœurs, notamment au travers du développement ...

  6. Patrick Branwell Brontë (1817–1848) era considerado um génio pelo seu pai e pelas suas irmãs. Por outro lado, o livro de Daphne du Maurier (1986), The Infernal World of Branwell Brontë, contém várias referências aos seus vícios em álcool e láudano.

  7. Brontë, Patrick (1777–1861), Church of England clergyman and writer, was born 17 March 1777, in Emdale, Drumballyroney, Co. Down, the eldest of the ten children of Hugh Prunty , or Brunty, a protestant farm labourer, and Eleanor or Alice (née McClory), born a catholic. He is known primarily as the father of the poets and novelists Charlotte ...