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  1. A universidade Paris-Saclay oferece a oportunidade de estudar em Paris com bolsa de estudos (ou com custos baixos, explicamos mais abaixo) em mais de 60 cursos em francês e inglês. Confira a lista completa: Adaptação de Atividade Física e Saúde. Administração Econômica e Social. Agrociências, Meio Ambiente, Território, Paisagem ...

  2. Master's Degree: Year 2. M2 Advanced Wireless Communications Systems. This master has specific fees : 6000 euros per year. M2 Arctic Studies. M2 Artificial Intelligence. M2 Big Data Management and Analytics (BDMA) This master has specific fees : 8000 euros per year. M2 Biomass Engineering for Bioeconomy. M2 Biotherapies : Tissue, Cell, Gene.

  3. 9 de set. de 2015 · Criada em 2014, Paris-Saclay inova o modelo universitário francês ao integrar diversas escolas, empresas e centros de pesquisa de renome. A universidade está sendo implantada no planalto de Saclay, a 28km do centro de Paris, famoso por ser um polo tecnológico e científico.

  4. Paris-Saclay University. CentraleSupélec was present at all stages of the creation of the Université Paris-Saclay, which officially came into being on November 5, 2019, with the publication in the Journal Officiel of its founding decree. The school is a component establishment of the university, along with AgroParisTech, the Institut d ...

  5. The DATAIA Institute receives the AI-Cluster label DATAIA is Université Paris-Saclay’s Institute for artificial intelligence. It is one of nine winning projects to be awarded the “AI-Cluster” label by the French government, which celebrates centres of research excellence in artificial intelligence.

  6. Application for the first year of a Licence (undergraduate degree) L1. You are a student who holds or will hold a French or European baccalaureate (BAC). You are a foreign student from the EU, the EEA, the Swiss Confederation, Monaco or Andorra. You live in a country covered by the Études en France programme.

  7. Contactez-nous par email à Pour en savoir plus, consultez notre livret "A la découverte du 1er cycle" Retrouvez "Campus TV", nos vidéos qui expliquent les différents diplômes de 1er cycle Une licence Histoire a ouvert en 2023.