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  1. 4 de ago. de 2010 · Carolina Moon (1940) Zu diesem Film gibt es leider noch keine Inhaltsangabe bei uns. Kennen Sie den Film und möchten Sie ... Um Filme bewerten zu ...

  2. Gene (Gene Autry) and his sidekick, Frog (Smiley Burnette), come to the rescue of plantation owners who could lose their property. Because Caroline Stanhope (June Storey) and her grandfather (Eddy Waller) owe back taxes on their land, unscrupulous landowner Henry Wheeler (Hardie Albright) tries to force them and the other smaller plantations out of business, aware of a secret new timber ...

  3. Filme Eintrag erstellen ... Carolina Moon (1940) ... Die Seite für Film-Liebhaber. Reviews, Fassungen, Kommentare - alles was das Filmherz begehrt findet Ihr hier.

  4. Gene (Gene Autry) and his sidekick, Frog (Smiley Burnette), come to the rescue of plantation owners who could lose their property. Because Caroline Stanhope (June Storey) and her grandfather (Eddy Waller) owe back taxes on their land, unscrupulous landowner Henry Wheeler (Hardie Albright) tries to force them and the other smaller plantations out of business, aware of a secret new timber ...

  5. - Não faça perguntas, faça comentários sobre o filme; - Não conte o final do filme nem partes importantes para o desfecho (spoiler), mas se necessário marque o texto; - Seja objetivo e descreva o porquê de sua nota; - Se você ainda não assistiu ao filme, dê nota "Não vi";

  6. Gene (Gene Autry) and his sidekick, Frog (Smiley Burnette), come to the rescue of plantation owners who could lose their property. Because Caroline Stanhope (June Storey) and her grandfather (Eddy Waller) owe back taxes on their land, unscrupulous landowner Henry Wheeler (Hardie Albright) tries to force them and the other smaller plantations out of business, aware of a secret new timber ...