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  1. Parade's End Minissérie Trailer Original. 712 visualizações. Fotos da 1 temporada. Veja todas as fotos da 1 temporada. Os episódios da temporada 1. Comentários. Faça login para comentar.

  2. 24 de ago. de 2012 · 这篇剧评可能有剧透. 导航: A.关于译名的小猜想 B.九月九日长评更新 C.九二三的补充评论 - A 第一集后的纪录片中一位作家认为题目Parade’s End的意义可以这么解释: “嗯,这可以意味着一切都结束了,你懂的,‘都回各自的窝吧’,实际则是在说以后都不会再有‘parades’了。

  3. Home » England » Ford Madox Ford » Parade’s End Ford Madox Ford: Parade’s End This is one of the finest novels (or, rather, four novels) to be written in English in the twentieth century and, while it certainly has not been forgotten, it does not, I feel, get its due. It deals with Englishness … Continue reading Ford: Parade’s End

  4. Set between the dying days of the Edwardian era and the end of World War I, "Parade's End" follows the conflicted relationship between conservative English aristocrat Christopher Tietjens, his ...

  5. Parade’s End é uma adaptação de Tom Stoppard (Shakespeare Apaixonado) da obra de Ford Mardox Ford, estrelada por Benedict Cumberbatch. Situada durante o período da 1ª Guerra Mundial, a minissérie em cinco episódios narra a vida de Christopher Tietjens, um passivo e conservador aristocrata inglês casado com Sylvia, uma mulher ambiciosa que mantém casos extraconjugais. Quando ...

  6. Parade's End. Temporada 1. Set during World War I, an English aristocrat is caught in a love triangle between his socialite wife and a young suffragette.

  7. 5. Parade's End Part 5. Christopher takes over at the front. Later, he is sent home where Sylvia tries to keep her husband from building a future with Valentine.