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  1. Racism and Classicism in The Sound and the Fury. The story of ‘The Sound and the Fury’ takes place in Mississippi in the early 1900s, when slavery was still very much alive. The Compson family has black live-in servants who are, all things considered, essentially slaves. The Civil War in the 1860s put an end to slavery, but African ...

  2. A Note on the Title. The title of The Sound and the Fury refers to a line from William Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Macbeth, a Scottish general and nobleman, learns of his wife’s suicide and feels that his life is crumbling into chaos. In addition to Faulkner’s title, we can find several of the novel’s important motifs in Macbeth’s short ...

  3. Le Bruit et la Fureur (titre original : The Sound and the Fury) est le quatrième roman de l'auteur américain William Faulkner, publié en 1929.. Il figure à la 6 e place dans la liste des cent meilleurs romans de langue anglaise du XX e siècle établie par la Modern Library en 1998 [1], et à la 34 e place de la liste des cent livres du siècle, établie en 1999 par une consultation ...

  4. 《喧哗与骚动》(The Sound and the Fury)是美国作家威廉·福克纳创作的长篇小说,创作于1929年。该小说讲述的是南方没落地主康普生一家的家族悲剧。老康普生游手好闲、嗜酒贪杯。其妻子自私冷酷、怨天尤人。大儿子昆丁绝望地抱住南方所谓的旧传统不放,因妹妹凯蒂风流成性、有辱南方淑女身份 ...

  5. Schall und Wahn, engl.The Sound and the Fury, ist ein Roman von William Faulkner, veröffentlicht 1929.Er gilt heute als wichtiges Werk der Frühen Moderne und als einer der bedeutendsten Romane der US-amerikanischen Literatur überhaupt. 1998 listete die Modern Library ihn auf Rang 6 der 100 besten englischsprachigen Romane des 20.

  6. In ‘The Sound and the Fury’, the once-aristocratic Compson family of northern Mississippi’s Yoknapatawpha County is depicted dramatically as it experiences a downward spiral. The history is divided into four portions, with each section being recounted by one of the three Compson brothers: Benjamin, Quentin, and Jason.

  7. Título original: The Sound and the Fury isbn 978-85-359-2942-3 1. Romance norte-americanoi. Título. 17-05162 cdd-813 Índice para catálogo sistemático: 1. Romances : Literatura norte-americana 813