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  1. Há 4 dias · The intention of Croce and of Sartori to attack the right to private property and to free enterprise separating them from the general philosophy of liberalism, that is primarily a theory of natural rights, was always criticised openly by the quoted philosophers and by some of the main representatives of liberalism, such as Luigi Einaudi, Friedrich Hayek, and Milton Friedman.

  2. 13 de mai. de 2024 · The most famous 20th-century proponents of this low-tax/low-regulation shareholder-centric economy, often referred to as neoliberalism, are Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek.

  3. 13 de mai. de 2024 · I grandi libri divulgativi di Friedman – Capitalismo e libertà (1962) e Liberi di scegliere (1980), ma anche La tirannia dello status quo(1984) – sono di Milton e di Rose. Cominciano a scrivere assieme quando i figli sono cresciuti. Non lo fanno per ammazzare il tempo e nemmeno lo programmano, accade un po’ per caso.

  4. 7 de mai. de 2024 · It's called The Road To Freedom. Like in the 1930s, when Hayek began working on his book, populism is now exploding around the world. And Stiglitz fears some countries may be careening towards "a ...

  5. Há 1 dia · Bu sistemin ideologları; 1970’li yılların Nobel ödüllü iktisatçıları Friedrich Hayek ve Milton Friedman’dır. Hayek 1974’te, Friedman da 1976’da Nobel Ödülü almıştır. Bu yeni teorinin temel kuralları ise Washington Uzlaşması adıyla anılmaktadır.

  6. 26 de mai. de 2024 · Friedrich Hayek was one of the leading economists of the 20th century and the leading contemporary critic of Keynes. He did pioneering work on monetary theory and trade cycles, but achieved international fame through his 1944 critique of totalitarian socialism, The Road to Serfdom.

  7. Há 4 dias · In the words of Hayek’s disciple Milton Friedman, “when the time came, we were ready … and we could step right in”. Taxes were cut, trade unions crushed, public services privatised and outsourced, markets deregulated. The neoliberal era has brought with it huge disparities between rich and poor.