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  1. Learn about the life and career of Davout, a French military commander and Marshal of the Empire who served under Napoleon. Find out his achievements, battles, nickname, family and legacy.

  2. Louis Nicholas Davout, Duque de Auerstaedt e príncipe de Eckmühl, marechal francês (Annoux, 1770 — Paris, 1823) Egressou na escola de Brienne, segundo-tenente aos 15 anos, general aos 27 anos. Serviu em todas as campanhas da Revolução Francesa e também no Egito.

  3. Découvrez la vie et la carrière du maréchal Davout, général français de la Révolution et de l'Empire, élevé à la dignité de maréchal d'Empire par Napoléon en 1804. Il se distingue par ses victoires à Austerlitz, Auerstaedt, Eylau et Hambourg, et par son rôle de gouverneur du duché de Varsovie.

  4. Learn about the life and career of Louis-Nicolas Davout, one of Napoleon's best marshals and a hero of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. From his humble origins to his rise to power, from his campaigns in Egypt and Italy to his death in Paris, discover the story of this remarkable soldier and statesman.

  5. Louis-Nicolas Davout, duke of Auerstedt was a French marshal who was one of the most distinguished of Napoleon’s field commanders. Born into the noble family of d’Avout, he was educated at the École Royale Militaire in Paris and entered Louis XVI’s service as a second lieutenant in 1788.

    • John G. Gallaher
  6. A short biography (with portrait) of Louis-Nicolas Davout (1770-1823), Duke of Auerstaedt, Prince of Eckmühl, marshal and Minister of the First French Empire.

  7. 1 de jun. de 2017 · Learn about the life and career of Davout, one of Napoleon's original marshals and a brilliant general who fought in many campaigns and won several battles. Find out how he rose from a minor noble to a duke, and how he survived the Hundred Days and the royal restoration.