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  1. The Differend: Phrases in Dispute (French: Le Différend) is a 1983 book by the French philosopher Jean-François Lyotard.

  2. differend. A wrong or injustice that arises because the discourse in which the wrong might be expressed does not exist. To put it another way, it is a wrong or injustice that arises because the prevailing or hegemonic discourse actively precludes the possibility of this wrong being expressed.

  3. 21 de set. de 2018 · 3.3 The Differend. Shortly after completing Libidinal Economy, Lyotard began nine years of efforts crafting his masterwork, The Differend (1983). The book begins with a “Reading Dossier” that sets out clearly the question, theses, context, addressee, and so forth of the work in separate paragraphs.

  4. A differend is a case of conflict between parties that cannot be equitably resolved for lack of a rule of judgement applicable to both. In the case of a differend, the parties cannot agree on a rule or criterion by which their dispute might be decided.

  5. In a differend, there is a conflict between two parties that cannot be solved in a just manner. However, the act of being able to bridge the two and understand the claims of both parties, is the first step towards finding a solution.

  6. 22 de ago. de 2022 · In this paper, I set out to make the relatively modest case that Lyotard’s philosophy (especially The Differend) is relevant for the analytic philosophy of deep disagreement because it pursues similar questions for similar reasons and proposes interesting solutions to them.

  7. Lyotard: The Differend, Nothingness, Foundations. 2011. 2,948 views. 19. Victor Vitanza on Jean-François Lyotard's The Differend. In this lecture he introduces The...