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  1. › wiki › PaintingPainting - Wikipedia

    Painting is a visual art, which is characterized by the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a solid surface (called the "matrix" or "support"). The medium is commonly applied to the base with a brush, but other implements, such as knives, sponges, and airbrushes, may be used.

    • History

      The history of painting reaches back in time to artifacts...

    • Paintings

      Miniature painting of the Three Brothers, author unknown...

    • Paint

      Paint is a material or mixture that, after applied to a...

  2. A pintura refere-se genericamente à técnica de aplicar pigmento em forma pastosa, líquida ou em a uma superfície, a fim de colori-la, atribuindo-lhe matizes, tons e texturas . Em um sentido mais específico, é a arte de pintar uma superfície, tais como papel, tela, ou uma parede ( pintura mural ou afrescos ).

  3. is a website that features paintings and photographs from various artists and movements. Today's artwork is Titian's oil painting of Pope Alexander IV Presenting Jacopo Pesaro to St Peter, commissioned by a Venetian bishop as an ex-voto.

  4. História. O uso do óleo é conhecido desde a antiguidade e já era difundido entre os artistas da Idade Média, embora em minoria porque naquela época predominava a pintura a têmpera ou a afrescos.