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  1. Stanford offers a variety of educational and enrichment opportunities for young children through high schoolers and community college students. Offerings include STEM programs for all ages, classes for parents of infants to teens, an entire online high school, and internships.

  2. Continuing adult education, executive and professional programs, and programs for K-12 students. Lifelong Learning. Seven schools in which to pursue your passions. Medicine. Law. Humanities & Sciences. Engineering. Education. Sustainability. Business.

  3. Graduate Admissions oversees the application process for non-professional graduate programs (e.g., MA, MS, PhD). To learn about the application processes for professional programs (e.g., JD, MBA, MD), visit the corresponding links on our homepage .

  4. More than 200 degree programs are offered across seven schools at Stanford. Admission requirements vary greatly among them. Graduate Admissions. Financing Graduate Study. The cost of graduate study at Stanford — and the resources available for financial support — vary by degree, school and enrollment status.

  5. › programsPrograms - Undergrad

    Stanford Undergrad is your guide to academics and educational opportunities offered through the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and our campus partners. The Stanford Undergrad site is for matriculated students.

  6. Além das carreiras universitárias, doutorados e mestrados, Stanford oferece também outros cursos, como continuação dos estudos, cursos para executivos na área de negócios e direito, cursos de verão, cursos para estudantes de K-12 e outros programas para crianças e professores da região.

  7. Your Starting Point for Graduate Study at Stanford. Browse this website to learn about university-wide requirements and processes for admission to MA, MS, PhD, and other non-professional graduate programs in the following Stanford schools: Graduate School of Education | School of Engineering | School of Humanities & Sciences | School of ...