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    • William Shakespeare. Lifespan: 23 de Abril de 1564 – 23 de Abril de 1616. A Renascença capturada em Inglaterra no final do século XV, e ao contrário da Itália, as principais formas de arte da Renascença inglesa eram a literatura e a música.
    • William Blake. Lifespan: 28 de Novembro de 1757 – 12 de Agosto de 1827. William Blake permaneceu em grande parte desconhecido durante a sua vida, mas subiu à proeminência após a sua morte e é agora considerado uma figura altamente influente na história da poesia e um dos maiores artistas britânicos.
    • William Wordsworth. Lifespan: 7 de Abril de 1770 – 23 de Abril de 1850. Wordsworth, juntamente com Samuel Taylor Coleridge, lançou a Era Romântica na literatura inglesa com a publicação das Baladas Líricas em 1798.
    • Lord Byron. Lifespan: 22 de Janeiro de 1788 – 19 de Abril de 1824. George Gordon Byron, 6º Barão Byron, vulgarmente conhecido como apenas Lord Byron, foi uma das figuras principais do Movimento Romântico no início do século XIX em Inglaterra.
  1. Os 32 Poemas Mais Icónicos na Língua Inglesa Hoje é o aniversário da publicação do icónico poema de Robert Frost “Parar no Bosque numa Noite de Neve”, um facto que estimulou o escritório Literário Hub a uma longa conversa sobre os seus poemas favoritos, os poemas mais icónicos escritos em inglês, e quais os poemas que todos nós ...

  2. Poetas da Inglaterra. Esta categoria reúne todos os artigos sobre poetas da Inglaterra . O Commons possui uma categoria com imagens e outros ficheiros sobre Poetas da Inglaterra. Categorias: Poetas do Reino Unido. Escritores da Inglaterra.

    • Poems by Rabindranath Tagore
    • “Hope” Is The Thing with Feathers by Emily Dickinson
    • The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe
    • June Sunset by Sarojini Naidu
    • On Friendship by Khalil Gibran
    • Sonnet 18: Shall I Compare Thee to A Summer’S Day by William Shakespeare
    • On Being Brought from Africa to America by Phillis Wheatley
    • O Captain! My Captain! by Walt Whitman
    • The Rime of The Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    • If- by Rudyard Kipling

    Writing primarily in Bengali, Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore was an esteemed voice in the 20th-century poetry space. However, his most notable English collection was a suite of poems entitled Gitanjali: Song Offerings — translated from Bengali to English by himself — which won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Read Poemshere.

    Emily Dickinson was an American poet. Born in 1830, for most of her life she was considered an eccentric and lived in isolation. While her enigmatic brilliance remained unappreciated during her time, she is now known as a major figure of American poetry. Read “Hope” is the thing with feathershere.

    Noted for its rhythmic musicality and superb internal rhymes, The Raven is one of the most frequently analyzed poems in history. It’s been widely influential on many great works, such as Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita and Ray Bradbury’s The Parrot Who Knew Papa, as well as on writers like Charles Baudelaire. Read The Ravenhere.

    A fierce proponent of the Indian Independence movement, Sarojini Naidu was an Indian poet, activist and freedom fighter who advocated for women’s civil rights and anti-imperialism. Named the “Nightingale of India” by Mahatma Gandhi, Naidu had one of the most prolific literary careers in the country’s history. Read June Sunsethere.

    Kahlil Gibran spent much of his youth growing up in both America and Lebanon. An active member of the literary scene in America, Gibran was most notably involved with an Arab-American society called the Pen League (the first Arabic-language literary society in America) whose members promoted writing in Arabic and English. The poet would go on to pu...

    William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616) was an English playwright and is one of the most widely-read writers in the English Language. Sonnet 18 is widely considered to be one of the best poems in the English language and many of his works have been adapted countless times for the stage, television, film, and music, he’s left an unmatched, impressionable ...

    Phillis Wheatley (1753- 1784) was the first African-American to author a published book of poetry (Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral, 1773). Born in West Africa and bought by the Wheatley family, the poet’s first tutor was the eldest Wheatley daughter. After witnessing her talent for poetics, the Wheatley family encouraged her writing,...

    Walt Whitman (1819 – 1892) was one of the most influential writers of his time. Known as the father of free-verse, Whitman is considered the quintessential American poet, achieving this status after the publication of his American epic, Leaves of Grass. Much of his work has been cited in popular culture (Breaking Bad, Dead Poets’ Society, are two e...

    Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) was an English poet and philosopher that worked extensively through the Romantic period. Much of his poetry revolutionized verse, and he is often credited as one of the forefathers of American transcendentalism. With lasting influence throughout the centuries, Coleridge has endured as a powerful figure in Western...

    Rudyard Kipling (1865 – 1936), most famously known for authoring The Jungle Book, was a writer that worked in the late Victorian period. While he was an extraordinarily gifted novelist and poet, it’s crucial to highlight that many of his personal beliefs have aged questionably. See: anti-Semitism, pro-colonialism/misogyny/imperialism. As a result o...

    • J. R. R. Tolkien. Considerado o pai da literatura fantástica moderna, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien nasceu em 3 de janeiro de 1892, na África do Sul. Com 3 anos de idade, porém, sua família voltou para Inglaterra, terra de origem de seus pais, onde ele foi naturalizado.
    • J.K. Rowling. Famosa por dar vida ao bruxo mais adorado ao redor do mundo, J.K. Rowling nasceu em 1956, em Yates, na Inglaterra – e desde pequena já era apaixonada por livros.
    • William Shakespeare. Conhecido como “poeta nacional da Inglaterra”, Shakespeare nasceu em 23 de abril de 1564. Poeta, dramaturgo e ator, sua carreira bem sucedida alavancou entre 1585 e 1592, quando ele passou a integrar a companhia de teatro Lord Chamberlain’s Men.
    • Charles Dickens. Nascido em 1812, em Portsmouth, na Inglaterra, Charles Dickens é considerado o mais popular dos romancistas ingleses da era vitoriana.
  3. 10 de fev. de 2021 · O escritor inglês William Shakespeare (1564-1616) é um nome incontornável no universo do teatro e da poesia. Além das peças famosas como Romeu e Julieta e Hamlet, Shakespeare deixou como legado uma série de poemas preciosos onde reflete sobre o amor, o destino, o tempo, a beleza e a vida. 1. Soneto 116.

  4. Resumo sobre literatura inglesa. A epopeia Beowulf, de autor anônimo, é a primeira obra da literatura inglesa. A literatura do período medieval apresenta caráter heroico e amor cortês. O classicismo e a poesia metafísica estiveram inseridos no contexto do renascimento. O período de restauração abrigou o neoclassicismo inglês.