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  1. Descendentes 3 é um filme dirigido por Kenny Ortega com Dove Cameron, Sofia Carson. Sinopse: Mal (Dove Cameron) vive em paz em Auradon, onde deve se tornar a nova rainha ao lado de Ben...

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    • Overview
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    “Love is not weak, it's actually amazing”

    ―Mal to Maleficent

    Maleficent "Mal" Bertha, later Queen Mal is the main protagonist of the film Descendants, as well as of its sequels Descendants 2 and Descendants 3, and of most media in the Descendants franchise. She is the daughter of Maleficent and Hades, the wife of King Ben, and the Queen of the United States of Auradon.

    Mal is portrayed and voiced by Dove Cameron.


    Mal is a sneaky, smart, and sometimes ruthless girl who is a natural-born leader and skilled at art, especially spray paint art. Though she is compassionate, she is also vengeful and does not forgive others easily. She has a knack for casting spells, but only if needed. In the first film, as the daughter of Maleficent, she wants to be like her mother: pure evil. Yet whenever she tries to prove herself to her mother, she often disappoints her instead. She enjoys coming up with wicked schemes and wreaking havoc and is the most feared in the Isle Of The Lost because of her reputation. She isn't fond of beautiful surroundings or anything pink, calling them gross, but she does sometimes wonder about how life would be off the island. Despite this, she is not necessarily immoral; she is just misguided. Her "mean girl" facade is mostly an act, likely because she does not want to be seen as weak in her mother's eyes; being evil is the only way she is respected by Maleficent, who never cared about Mal. Mal is extremely goal-oriented, driven by her desires to please her mother. This causes Mal to often prioritize her objective over the feelings of others, especially those of whom she manipulates in order to achieve her goals. Despite this, Mal's goals are not her own, but her mother's, and this causes Mal to become morally conflicted and increasingly reluctant to carry out her objective. Ben is the only person who sees through Mal's act (including herself), and saw her for who she was - a good person. As the series progresses, Mal lets go of much of her fears and goals, becoming in tune with her true self; thus she abandons the hollow life of evil, for a life of being good. With friendship and love, Mal ended filling the hole in her heart that could not be satisfied through what her mother had taught her.

    Physical Appearance

    Mal is described as a girl with dark purple hair with highlights of lighter shades of purple that is curly and reaches a little bit over her shoulders. She has green eyes with "flecks of gold" and is of medium height (5'2"). She mostly wears purple and shades of green and pink during the movie. She wears a artfully constructed purple biker jacket with a dash of pink on one sleeve and green on the other, a pair of purple jeans, and battered combat boots. She also wears black fingerless gloves. At Ben's coronation, she wears a lavender dress that is short on the front but long and regal looking on the back. Mal had her hair tied up in a bun. According to Isle of the Lost: A Descendants Novel, she has a dragon-shaped marking on her arm, the symbol of Maleficent. In Descendants 2, while in Auradon, her hair's blonde and lightly longer with purple tips at the end. Her school dress is a turquoise dress with a pale blue ribbon at the waist, gold and turquoise ribbons. She also has a gold necklace with a emerald in the middle and a blue beaded bracelet. When she goes back to the Isle, she goes back to having purple hair, only this time, light, straight, and with bangs. Towards the end of the movie, she has wavy purple hair with bangs. She wears a purple studded leather jacket with a green and purple hand-dyed tank top under it. She has multiple layered chains and belts around her waist, purple pants, and purple studded boots with purple and green colored heels. She also wears a single purple fingerless glove. In Under The Sea: A Descendants Story, her wardrobe is now a purple shirt with multiple golden studs. She also wears a black vest, her sleeves are purple, and one on completely studded. She also wears black and purple pants with purple studded boots. She still has her original hair, belts and boots. Also, in Descendants 3, her hair is light purple and is reflected with other shades and appears to be blue. She wears a midnight blue vest, as well as a purple shirt under it, with her emblem. She also sports a pair of blue and purple leather pants. She now wears purple wedge high-tops with painted blue flames, as are her purple fingerless gloves.

    Powers & Abilities

    As the daughter of Maleficent and Hades, Mal inherited the following powers: •Fairy Magic: Like her mother, Mal is able to manipulate fairy magic at her will, which usually manifests a green energy glowing in her eyes. •Spell Casting: Mal is able to change and control events through the use of incantations and recitations, which either she creates or comes from her mother's old book. •Potion Making: Mal is able to brew and concoct paranormal potions with supernatural effects. Mal successfully made the love potion and place it inside a cookie, which was later given to Ben. Subsequently, she made the counter potion in order to end the last one all by herself. She was able to create a Truth Potion, for Carlos in the form of a sweet. •Dragon Transformation: Mal is able to transform herself into a giant dragon, like her mother Maleficent. She transforms into a dragon in Descendants 2 and Descendants 3. •Demigod Powers: Because her father is Hades, this would make Mal a demigod. However, it is currently unknown what goddess powers she possesses. Mal can use Hades's ember, but not to the same level as her godly father. Aside from her magical powers, Mal also have the following abilities: •Art: One of Mal's most notable talents. She's an avid lover of art, especially for graffiti. She is seen doing multiple drawings throughout Descendants, Descendants: Wicked World and Descendants 2. •Driving: As seen in "Pair of Sneakers" and "Wild Rehearsal", Mal is capable of driving cars. In Descendants 2, she learned to drive a scooter. •Swordsmanship: As seen in Descendants 2, Mal is capable to withstand a sword fight with Lost Revenge's Crew.

    The Isle of the Lost: A Descendants Novel

    In the prelude novel, Mal is introduced as the daughter of Maleficent, the worst of the villains. Mal was born and raised in the Isle of the Lost, along with her mother. At the very beginning, Mal pushed her mother, Maleficent, to banish Evie and the Evil Queen to the Castle-Across-the-Way, which is described as more of a cave than a castle. Mal did this because the Evil Queen did not invite her to Evie's sixth birthday party. Ten years later, when Evie is finally allowed to leave the castle, Mal continued to torment her, despite the fact that Evie had nothing to do with the guest list of her party. One evening, Mal dreams of being in Auradon on the edge of a beautiful lake with the soon-to-be-king Ben (whom she did not know). She doesn't always do well in school, except for Advance Evil Schemes and Nasty Tricks, taught by Lady Tremaine. For her Ultimate Project, she decides to play a prank on Evie at Cruella's house while she is away. Mal forces Carlos to host a party there, but is disappointed to see Evie come out unscathed after she shoves Evie into a closet full of bear traps. However, when Diablo was reanimated and informs Maleficent of the return of magic to the fairy's staff, Maleficent instructs Mal to retrieve it so they can destroy the barrier and gain freedom. Mal asks for assistance from her friend Jay. She also decides to bring Evie along so that she can trick Evie into touching the scepter and becoming cursed for an enchanted 1000-year-long sleep. Evie brings Carlos with her. They all accompany Mal in getting the staff back from the Forbidden Fortress in the Isle of the Doomed, an area near the Isle. The villain kids make their way through many different obstacles and tests while navigating Maleficent's fortress. At last, they reach the throne room, the scepter obtainable. Evie stretches her hand out to grab the scepter, but at the last second Mal stops her from getting cursed by grabbing the scepter. Mal loses consciousness for only a few minutes because she is the daughter of Maleficent. While knocked out, Mal experiences a vision of Maleficent's past, when she was all-powerful and interrupted baby Aurora's christening. Mal realizes that her mother, in a way, was just like herself: a jealous girl who wanted revenge for not being invited. She looks around to see that the scepter has vanished. Disappointed, she and the others return home where her mother is waiting for her, scepter in hand and Diablo on her shoulder. She explains that Diablo brought the scepter back and that he told her that Mal stopped Evie from touching it, lamenting furiously that sometimes Mal is such a disappointment. Mal still vows to make Maleficent proud of her, and joins forces with the three villain kids, now much closer to all of them than before, and begin a raid on the town, kicking off the events of the movie.


    Mal is first seen spray painting a brick city wall. Then, she and her friends wreak havoc across an area of the Isle of the Lost ("Rotten to the Core"). Mal loves being evil and wreaking havoc on innocent people. Causing trouble is where she truly feels at home. After taking a lollipop from a toddler, her mother Maleficent comes. When Mal hears that she and her friends, Evie, Carlos, and Jay, will be going to Auradon Prep, by the order of Prince Ben, she is surprised, because she knows that no one can leave the Isle of the Lost. Maleficent convinces her that she needs her to go and steal the wand from the Fairy Godmother. Mal agrees, and she and her friends take the limo to go to Auradon. When she and her friends arrive, everyone in Auradon Prep greets them. They are officially welcomed by the Fairy Godmother, Prince Ben, and Princess Audrey. Audrey, Ben's girlfriend and the daughter of Aurora, is suspicious and unwelcoming of the VKs. The VKs get a tour of the school. Mal and Evie become roommates in a room Mal finds "gross," but Evie actually loves. At night, the two girls enter Jay and Carlos' dorm room while Jay and Carlos were playing video games and enjoying it, they almost forgot what they were here for until Mal tells them that it is their one chance to prove themselves to their parents that they are evil. Then they went to the museum after finding out where the wand is being held. Mal successfully puts the guard into a deep sleep, and they go look for the wand. They enter a room, which contains statues of their parents; Mal stays behind, having a vision of her mother encouraging her to go through with the plan to steal the wand ("Evil Like Me"). They find the wand, but Jay accidentally sets off the alarm when trying to take the wand. They narrowly escape, thanks to Carlos reporting the alarm as a malfunction. The next day, they have school; Mal aces Remedial Goodness as it's a no-brainer what answer good guys would choose. Jay and Carlos are in the Tourney team, and Evie is asked out by Chad Charming. Mal befriends Jane, Fairy Godmother's daughter, to get the wand; she preys on Jane's insecurities and makes her think that she can only be beautiful with the new hairstyle Mal creates using her magic. Jane, believing that Mal is her friend, tells her that Fairy Godmother will use the wand during Ben's coronation. Lonnie, Mulan's daughter, asks Mal to change her hair to a cool style like hers; Mal reluctantly agrees, since Lonnie will pay $50. Ben lets them know that his girlfriend gets to sit in the front row at the coronation. Mal decides to spell Ben into falling in love with her, so that she will be his girlfriend and be able to sit in the front row at the coronation, where she can gain close access to the wand. She begins baking a love spell into a batch of cookies; however, she finds that a tear of true sadness is the only ingredient missing. Lonnie walks in (other girls want Mal to change their hair as well), and Mal reveals that the parents on the Isle of the Lost never showed them anything like love before when Lonnie remembers when her mother made her cookies whenever she was sad. Lonnie cries for them; Mal pretends to kindly wipe it away, flicking the tear into the cookie batter. The next day, Mal guilt-trips Ben into eating the cookie by implying that he doesn't trust a treat offered by a VK if he refuses. To Mal's surprise, the love potion works a little too well. It causes Ben to confess his love to Mal through song in front of two entire schools after winning a Tourney match ("Did I Mention"). In retaliation, his girlfriend Audrey immediately breaks up with Ben and begins a rebound relationship with Chad. Unfazed by Audrey's remarks, Ben asks Mal to attend the coronation with him, to which Mal readily accepts. The crowd cheers and Audrey scoffs and walks away, upset. Ben asks Mal on a date, and Mal asks Evie to help her prepare. Mal goes on the date with Ben to the Enchanted Lake. While on the date, they find they have some things in common, such as embarrassing middle names, and the status of their parents; Ben explains that while he has the "poster parents for goodness" and her mother is Mistress of Evil, they're not automatically like them as they get to choose who they get to be. Ben goes for a swim in the Enchanted Lake while Mal watches, amused. Mal begins feeling conflicted about her evil plans due to her growing romantic feelings for Ben and sings a song ("If Only"). When Ben doesn't resurface from the water, Mal grows worried and attempts to save him despite not being able to swim; Ben saves her, albeit a bit confused. Mal points out that there's a barrier around the Isle of the Lost, preventing swimming. When asked if she loves him, Mal says that she doesn't know what it feels like to love; Ben says he might be able to teach her. Prior to Family Day, Mal and her friends are allowed to video chat with their parents. Hearing her mother's subtle message, Mal tells her friends that they're all goners if they don't succeed. Later that day, Mal and her friends go over the plan for taking the wand at the coronation. Afterwards, Evie sees Mal reading a page in the spell book on "How To Break A Love Spell." When Evie questions her about it, Mal explains that she feels it would be too cruel to let Ben remain in love with her after they accomplish their mission and the villains have invaded Auradon. Mal bakes a cupcake containing the anti-love spell while crying, feeling conflicted about carrying out the evil plan and betraying Ben ("If Only (Reprise)"). Ben presents Mal as his girlfriend to his parents on Family Day, a day when students' parents come visit. During a game of croquet, Mal meets Audrey's grandmother, Queen Leah, who initially does not recognize who Mal is. Mal, who also does not know who the queen was, explains that she's a transfer student before Audrey walks up to greet Queen Leah. Mal realizes that the woman is Queen Leah, and Audrey warns her grandmother to stay away from Mal because she is dangerous. After studying Mal's face, Queen Leah confusedly mistakes Mal for Maleficent. Ben explains the situation, but Queen Leah is furious, remembering that her daughter needed to be raised by fairies due to Maleficent's curse. Feeling sorry for the misery her mother caused, Mal attempts to apologize but is stopped by Chad Charming, who has never trusted Mal nor her friends. Chad goes on to provoke the VKs, calling out Mal for stealing Audrey's boyfriend, Jay for hurting other people, and Evie for being a gold digger and a cheater. Upset, Evie uses her mirror to reveal that Chad is the biggest jerk in the land, to which Chad angrily rejects and slaps Evie's hand away. Jay intervenes, and after Evie knocks out Chad with a sleeping potion, Mal and her friends run away from the scene despite Ben's calls. During lunch, Ben attempts to comfort Mal and her friends, who remain silent and sullen after the prior events. After Ben leaves, Jane and Audrey begin to mock Mal for her relationship with Ben due to her villain origins. In retaliation, Mal undoes Jane's magical hair, causing Jane to scream as the other AK girls laugh at her. Mal angrily threatens the AKs by pulling out her spell book, causing them to flee. The four VKs, hurt by the scathing remarks, become once again determined to steal the wand. The following day, Mal rides with Ben in a carriage to the coronation. She offers the cupcake with the anti-love potion to Ben to eat later, however, Ben eats it right away, much to Mal's dismay. Ben reveals that he has been free of the spell since their first date, thanks to the Enchanted Lake washing away the spell. He assumes that Mal had spelled him because she had a crush on him and he had been in a relationship with Audrey at the time. After wondering if Ben has been faking his affection for her, Mal is left happily surprised when Ben assures her that his feelings are real by entrusting his signet ring to her. This, however, causes her to begin questioning if it is worth it to betray Ben and give up her relationship with him in order to rule with her mother. At the coronation, Jane takes the wand to make herself beautiful because of her belief that she was worth nothing if she didn't fit conventional standards of beauty. However, the wand's magic backfires and Jane accidentally creates a hole in the barrier of the Isle of the Lost. After a brief struggle, Mal manages to wrest control of the wand from Jane. The crowd backs away in horror as Mal grips the wand. Ben steps forward, asking Mal to give up the wand, but Mal tells him to stand back and threatens the crowd with the wand when Audrey attempts to approach her. Mal's friends run up behind her, ready to leave and open the barrier. Ben urges Mal to make her own decision and not follow in her parents' footsteps. Mal and her friends realize that they want to be good because that's what makes them happy. Mal gives the wand back to Fairy Godmother, but Maleficent breaks in and freezes everyone except Mal and her friends. Maleficent takes then takes the wand, but Mal refuses to go with the plan and uses magic to take the wand from her. Maleficent transforms into a dragon and begins to attack Mal's friends. Mal stands off against her mother and uses the magic of friendship to transform Maleficent into a lizard. The Fairy Godmother unfreezes time, freeing everyone. Mal reunites with Ben and urges the Fairy Godmother to not severely punish Jane because she was the one who manipulated Jane into thinking that way. Mal and Audrey also curtsy to each other as a sign of making amends. At the end of the movie, Mal celebrates with Ben and all of the other students of Auradon ("Set It Off"). She then narrates: "You didn't think this was the end of the story, did you?" while giving a smirk to the audience as her eyes glowed green.

    Return to the Isle of the Lost: A Descendants Novel

    Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos find themselves right where we left them in the movie. Enjoying everything that Auradon has to offer. In the Library, she then tells Ben about putting a fake nose on Pin. Meanwhile, she now has great friends, interesting classes, a world filled with hope instead of dreary villains and no future. They originally expected to hate it, but as we all know, they not only decided to stay but to find their inner goodness. (And when there's handsome princes, Tourney matches, puppies, and spontaneous musical numbers galore, who can really blame them?) But when they receive a mysterious invitation to return to the Isle of the Lost, Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay find themselves falling into their old habits. Evil spells, stealing, and breaking the rules comes naturally to them, it's not really their fault, it's how they were raised! In addition to becoming Rotten to the Core once again, they discover a dark mystery at the Isle's core and must combine all their talents, both good and bad, in order to save the Kingdom.


    Solos Duets Group Songs

    Descendants 2

    Solos Duets Group songs

    Descendants: Wicked World

    Solos Duets Group songs

    Printed Materials

    •Isle of the Lost: A Descendants Novel •Return to the Isle of the Lost: A Descendants Novel •Rise of the Isle of the Lost: A Descendants Novel •Escape from the Isle of the Lost: A Descendants Novel

    •Her name means "bad" in Spanish, French and Portuguese.

    •In the first film, it is revealed that her middle name is "Bertha". Which she told to Ben during their first date.

    •In the Spanish dub for Hispanic America, her middle name is "Igna", making her full name Mal Igna, a wordplay for Malign. In Latin, "Igna" also means fire.

    •Mal's name, along with Ben's, could be a play on the words "malevolent" - meaning "having or showing a wish to do evil to others" - and "benevolent," meaning "well meaning and kindly."

    •Mal is one of the twelve characters (including Evie, Jay, Carlos, Ben, Jane, Doug, Chad, Belle, Beast, the Fairy Godmother and Dude) to appear in all three Descendants films of the original trilogy.

    •She was absent in only three episodes from Descendants: Wicked World: "Audrey's New Do? New Don't!", "Party Crasher" and "Trapped".


  2. Watch Descendants 3 on Disney Channel and in the DisneyNOW app! Mal (Dove Cameron), Evie (Sofia Carson), Carlos (Cameron Boyce) and Jay (BooBoo Stewart) return to the Isle of the Lost to...

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  3. Você pode assistir "Descendentes 3" no Disney Plus em Stream legalmente. Qual é a posição de Descendentes 3 no ranking hoje? Última atualização do Ranking Diário de Streaming: 21:19:41, 30/05/2024. Hoje, Descendentes 3 está em 12031 no Ranking Diário de Streaming JustWatch. O filme subiu 13198 posições no ranking desde ontem.

    • Kenny Ortega
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  4. Sinopse. Mal vive em paz em Auradon, onde deve se tonar a nova rainha ao lado de Ben. No entanto, ao trazerem mais crianças da Ilha dos Perdidos, vilões indesejados conseguem atravessar a fronteira, e ameaçam a paz no reino. É preciso tomar uma decisão sobre esta travessia: seria melhor erguer um muro definitivo entre os povos?

  5. Sinopse. Mal ( Dove Cameron ), Evie ( Sofia Carson ), Jay ( Booboo Stewart) e Carlos ( Cameron Boyce) visitam a Ilha dos Perdidos para escolher quatro novos filhos de vilões (também chamados de VKs (Villain Kid) para levar para Auradon.

  6. DETALHES. Disney Os Descendentes 3. A saga do bem contra o mal continua, com os Filhos dos Vilões, Mal, Evie, Carlos e Jay, a regressarem à Ilha dos Perdidos para recrutarem um novo grupo de descendentes de vilões para se juntarem a eles na Escola de Auradon.

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