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    • Morte foi instantânea. Tubarão. Tubarão de espécie rara é capturado no Zanzibar e vendido a US$ 17. Pompeia. Pintura de 2 mil anos com cena mitológica é encontrada em Pompeia.
    • Ele morreu fazendo o que amava. O sex simbol era conhecido pela sua paixão pelo automobilismo, inclusive tendo feito uma tentativa de começar uma carreira na área, comprando diversos carros de luxo e participando de corridas, onde não foi nada mal.
    • Culpado ou inocente? A morte do astro de Hollywood foi intensamente noticiada pela mídia nacional e internacional do período. Um inquérito inicial sobre o acidente havia determinado que Dean tinha sido inteiramente culpado pelo ocorrido, por conta de direção irresponsável.
    • O carro ganhou fama de amaldiçoado. O Porsche onde James morreu havia sido comprado nove dias antes da fatídica batida, e foi apelidado de “Little Bastard” (Ou “Pequeno Bastardo”, em tradução livre).
  1. 4 de jun. de 2021 · Em São Paulo (SP) 04/06/2021 04h00 Atualizada em 04/06/2021 11h06. A transmissão do "Little Bastard", como é conhecidamente chamado o Porsche 550 Spyder no qual o ator James Dean perdeu a vida, foi arrematada em um leilão recentemente por uma quantia US$ 382 mil (R$ 1,9 milhão na cotação atual) nos Estados Unidos.

  2. 10 de jun. de 2021 · How did a car become associated with a Hollywood death and a curse? Learn the true story behind the sale of the transaxle and the myths created by George Barris.

    • The Premonition
    • The Unfateful Turn
    • The Other Incidents
    • The Mystery Behind The Curse
    • GeneratedCaptionsTabForHeroSec

    A rising star and an edgy character, James Dean was always an outcast no matter where he went. Even after gaining popularity in films, acting was not something he enjoyed. His passion for cars, racing, and motorsport outweighed his love for acting. James saved up his paychecks from movies he starred in and finally purchased the Porsche 550, a car t...

    On the 30th of September 1955, the fateful day arrived. On his way to attend his race in Salinas, James decided to put his new Porsche to the test on the open roads. It was at the intersection of Highway 46 and 41 where James met with his destiny. He left Blackwells Corner with Rolf Wütherich, the Porsche mechanic, and sped away, leaving his mates ...

    The remains of the crash and the 550 Spyder were then auctioned off by the insurance company. Eerily, the engine of the Spyder remained unharmed and intact despite the horrendous impact. Dr. William Eschrid, a passionate part-time racer, purchased the 550 Spyder and stripped it down. He then used the four-cylinder engine from the remains of the Por...

    George Barris, known as "King of the Kustomizers" a car customizer from Hollywood, purchased the wrecked Porsche as it had a famous name linked to it. Barris displayed the car in various car shows in the wrecked condition to earn popularity as the mystique surrounding the cursed Porsche kept growing. People that touched the carcass of the 550 Sypde...

    Learn how James Dean bought a Porsche 550 Spyder to race and died in a tragic crash, and how the car was involved in other accidents that sparked a curse legend. Discover the history, design, and fate of the first road-legal race car from Porsche.

  3. Racing career background. In April 1954, after securing the co-starring role of Cal Trask in East of Eden, James Dean purchased a 1955 Triumph Tiger T110 650 cc motorcycle and, later, a used red 1953 MG TD sports car. In March 1955, Dean traded the MG for a new 1955 Porsche Speedster purchased from Competition Motors in Hollywood, California.

  4. Classic Cars. Porsche: James Dean e a maldição do “Little Bastard” Ricardo Caruso 14 de junho de 2021 Auto&Técnica, james dean, Little Bastard, Porsche, Ricardo Caruso. Compartilhe! Num leilão recente pela internet, foi vendida uma caixa de câmbio vinda de um Porsche Spyder 550 por mais de US$ 380 mil.

  5. How James Dean, the iconic actor and rebel, became a Porsche fan and died in a crash with his 550 Spyder in 1955. Learn about his life, career, and legacy in this article from the Porsche customer magazine Christophorus.