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  1. 1 de dez. de 2023 · Seja para conquistar as primeiras vendas e impulsionar seu negócio de vez, seja para vender e alcançar mais pessoas, a resposta é só uma: a Black November Hotmart chega para mudar o seu negócio para sempre. Descubra tudo o que você pode fazer para, a partir de agora, multiplicar suas vendas.

  2. Durante a Ganha-Ganha Black November 2023, você poderá atuar com cupom de desconto em produtos, cross sell, upsell e criação de combos para aumentar seu ticket médio, ou até entrega de bônus, como acesso extra ao seu produto ou oferecer uma experiência híbrida aliando o presencial ao online.

  3. Os conteúdos da Black November se transformam em ferramentas para o ano todo aqui. Domine os segredos das maiores referências do mercado. Descubra como usar as estratégias de novembro no seu planejamento e supere suas metas.

    • Win-Win Black November and Black Friday: Together with The Same Objective
    • The Win-Win Black November Challenge Is About to Begin!
    • Win-Win Black November: How It Works
    • Let’s Talk About The Rewards
    • Questions & Answers

    The global phenomenon called Black Friday, also known for heating the market, brings opportunities for those who have or sell digital products. Furthermore, it is also for people who wait all year, before making a purchase, for that discount that they cannot refuse. This is the time when people are looking for your product and feel willing to buy t...

    How do you turn 30 days of big sales into a fun journey where everyone wins? To answer this question, here comes the Win-Win Black November campaign! With this campaign, you earn from more sales and earn from reaching goals, and your Customers can win other offers they can’t refuse. 👉 Check out how to join

    At Hotmart’s Black November, you have exclusive challenges and prizes when achieving great results. In other words, Hotmart will reward you for selling. That is incredible!

    Big sales come with recognition, right? Check out everything you can achieve during the campaign with our rewards. Activate the campaign and win: The Win-Win Black November Ultimate Guide with exclusive content for Producers and Affiliates, more visibility for your product on the Marketplace (see conditions in the regulations) and double commission...

    Does it apply to Producers, Co-producers, and Affiliates?

    Sure! The prizes and materials were designed so that Producers, Co-producers, and Affiliates can take advantage of every day in November to sell more.

    What is Black November Period?

    The Black November sales period, in addition to the application of its special conditions, begins on November 1st, 2023 and ends on December 9th, 2023. However, it is highly recommended that you click here now to authorize your participation and start putting your strategies into place.

    How will the rewards work?

    The goal will be only one during the entire Black November period and will be defined according to your historical performance and the current situation of your business. It will be divided into ranges of 50%, 100%, and 150%. For each goal achieved, Affiliates, Producers, and Co-producers will receive pre-established prizes and will be able to collect them on the Black November Panel (platform).

  4. O que é a Ganha-Ganha Black November? A Ganha-Ganha Black November é uma campanha da Hotmart para apoiar Produtores(as), Afiliados(as) e Coprodutores(as) a faturarem mais no período de maior venda do mercado.

  5. Este regulamento contém as regras aplicáveis à ação denominada “Black November 2023” (“ Ação ”), promovida pela Hotmart, por meio da Launch Pad Tecnologia, Serviços e Pagamentos Ltda., inscrita no CNPJ/ME sob o nº. 13.427.325/0001-05, sediada na cidade de Belo Horizonte e estado de Minas Gerais, na Avenida Assis Chateaubriand ...

  6. Acesso antecipado às informações de lançamento da Ganha-Ganha Black November Hotmart e como participar gratuitamente para ganhar mais e faturar prêmios.