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  1. Magias de Summon permitem ao usuário invocar criaturas para sua assistência. Quando sumonado, a criatura facilmente é controlada. Algumas criaturas podem também invocar outras criaturas, para isso veja sobre: Magias de Criaturas .

  2. Atualmente existem três formas de invocar criaturas: Magias de Summon - Invoca criaturas desde que haja mana suficiente para fazê-lo. Convince Creature - Com o auxílio de uma runa, uma criatura pode ser convencida a lutar ao lado daquele que a enfeitiçou.

    Rat, Badger, Skunk
    Dog, Rabbit, Silver Rabbit, ...
  3. Ao lançar a magia Summon Creature druids e sorcerers podem invocar criaturas para que farão o que lhes for ordenado. Está é uma misteriosa e exigente magia que até hoje não é compreendida detalhadamente, por esta razão é bastante limitada.

    • Obtaining Summons
    • Convince Creature

    Basic Information and Recommendations

    Summoned creatures will only attack when you have "targeted" an enemy. This means that summons cannot attack invisible creatures. It is recommended that you turn OFF "chase creature" when hunting with summons, especially when hunting creatures that could retarget to you. Summons will always stay either directly diagonal or two sqm away from you when they come to rest, but never adjacent (see picture). Any attempt to "push" a creature you have summoned into a position parallel to you will display the message "There is not enough room.". Summoned creatures can be roped up holes, but cannot be pushed into holes or down ladders, and they will not follow you up or down stairs and ramps. When you summon a creature, it is essentially confined to one level. If you move 2 or more levels up or down from your summons, they will disappear. They will also disappear if you move too far away from them on any level. What is more, if you move one level up or down and mark an enemy creature to attack - your summons will no longer dissapear. (Before the update the only way to attack a monster that was not on your floor was attacking it without clicking Attack on creature - then your summons on another floor would stay alive, however it is not needed anymore) If you die while having summons, they will die as well. Summons do not yield experience. Note that if you summon a creature unable to sense invisibility like a Demon Skeleton and use the invisible spell or put on a stealth ring, the summons will NOT follow you until you're visible again.

    Healing summons

    You may heal summons with the runes: •Intense Healing Runes, •Ultimate Healing Runes. Or the spell: •Mass Healing You may NOT heal summons with the potions: •Health Potions, •Strong Health Potions, •Great Health Potions, •Ultimate Health Potions,

    Experience Gain

    When killing a creature with a summon, you will only receive partial experience for the kill (minimum of 50%). For example, if your summon causes all of the damage to kill a Rotworm, you will only receive 20 experience (half). If you personally deal some of the damage, you will receive more exp. The formula for experience gain is: player's exp gain + (summon's exp gain /2) The player's experience gain is based on the player's damage.

    Convince requirements

    In order to convince a creature, you must first have a rune, then, you must have enough mana to be able to convince the creature. Mana requirements are: 1.^ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.37 Can only be convinced 2.^ No longer in-game.

  4. Familiars, also known as Special Summons or Mighty Summons, can be summoned by all Vocations using a Spell that is available for players above level 200. These summons are very strong and have some key differences when compared to those created using the Summon Creature spell.

  5. One of the most useful spells. Change "creature name" for a creature to make it appear and help you. See also: Summoned Creature - a more complete guide to summons. History. In the past players used to be able to summon an unlimited number of creatures including stronger creatures than today, like Dragons which can no longer be summoned.

  6. Ao lançar a magia Summon Creature druids e sorcerers podem invocar criaturas para que farão o que lhes for ordenado. Está é uma misteriosa e exigente magia que até hoje não é compreendida detalhadamente, por esta razão é bastante limitada.