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  1. Miro, formerly known as RealtimeBoard, is a digital collaboration platform designed to facilitate remote and distributed team communication and project management.

  2. Miro (bis März 2019 RealtimeBoard) ist eine Online-Kollaborationsplattform des US-amerikanischen Unternehmens RealtimeBoard, Inc. Das Unternehmen wurde im Jahr 2011 von Andrey Khusid und Oleg Shardin in Russland gegründet und hat heute seine Unternehmenssitze in San Francisco und Amsterdam.

  3. A Miro oferece um espaço de trabalho visual voltado à inovação para que times distribuídos de todos os tamanhos possam sonhar, projetar e construir o futuro em equipe. Nossa missão é prover às equipes o ambiente certo para criarem a próxima grande inovação. Origens da Miro.

  4. Miro provides a visual workspace for innovation that enables distributed teams of any size to dream, design, and build the future together. Our mission is to empower teams to create the next big thing

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  5. A Miro é o ambiente de trabalho visual para inovação, onde equipes gerenciam projetos, desenvolvem produtos e constroem o futuro juntos. Junte-se aos mais de 60 milhões de usuários no mundo inteiro.

  6. Miro is a visual workspace for innovation where teams of any size can dream, design, and build their future together. Simply put, we’re here to help you create the next big thing by providing a powerful space where your team can collaborate seamlessly — even if you aren’t in the same room.

  7. Miro is the innovation workspace where teams manage projects, design products, and build the future together. Join 70M+ users from around the world.