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  1. Sverdlov, Yakov Mikhailovitch (1885-1919): membro do Partido desde 1901, do CC desde 1912, dirigiu o secretariado do CC desde 1917, ano em que, por proposta de Lénine, ocupa o posto de Chefe de Estado da Rússia Soviética, enquanto presidente do Comité Executivo Central de Toda a Rússia ( VTsIK )

  2. I. M. Sverdlov era precisamente esse tipo de chefe e organizador do nosso Partido e do nosso Estado. O período de 1917-1918 foi um período de reviravolta para o Partido e para o Estado. O Partido tornou-se então, pela primeira vez, força governante. Pela primeira vez na história da humanidade surgiu um Poder de novo tipo, o Poder dos ...

  3. Y. M. Sverdlov was precisely that kind of leader and organiser of our Party and of our state. The period of 1917-18 marked a turning point for the Party and the state. In that period the Party, for the first time, became a ruling force. For the first time in human history a new kind of power came into being, the power of the Soviets, the power ...

  4. The memory of Comrade Yakov Sverdlov will serve not only as a permanent symbol of the revolutionary’s devotion to his cause and as the model of how to combine a practical sober mind, practical skill, close contact with the masses and ability to guide them; it is also a pledge that ever-growing numbers of proletarians, guided by these examples ...

  5. Born in Nizhny Novogrod on May 22, 1885, Sverdlov was the son of a Jewish engraver. By the age of 17, Sverdlov joined the R.S.D.L.P., joining the Bolshevik Party after the split in the following year. Working out of the Urals (primarily in the city of Yekaterinburg), Sverdlov was a leading organiser of the Bolshevik party; arrested several ...

  6. 23 de ago. de 2011 · Sverdlov in those days was the archetypal Bolshevik underground worker. In that career he acquired two remarkable characteristics which can, I think, be learned nowhere but in an underground movement. The first was an absolutely encyclopaedic knowledge of the entire Party.

  7. The following memorial article on Sverdlov written by Leon Trotsky in 1925, appeared originally in an anniversary volume issued in 1926 in the USSR by the Bureau of Party History. The translation from the Russian original is by John G. Wright.